Following the GZDoom port of Doom 64, BD-64 revitalizes the old Doom 64 with new special effects, particles, lightning, gore, new sounds, more weapon animations (shotgun reloads, smoother minigun barrels, etc.) and monsters and stuff cut from the original Nintendo 64 version. Works on GZDoom and Zandronum in OpenGL mode. (Zdoom and Zandronum Software mode are not supported.) No downloads available yet. Mod still is very early WIP.

RSS Reviews  (20 - 30 of 187)

Very good overhaul of Doom64. No problems getting it to work with GZdoom and ZDL

Great work.

Bro, 4 levels in... you need to play this. 10/10

love it.


Great mod as always Sergeant_Mark_IV! A great remake of Doom 64 and a fantastic way to reexperience one of the best Dooms never officialy released on the PC. The added cut content alone is worthy of the download. Try it, play it, love it!

great port and gore

Mod muito massa, Mais um bom trabalho pelo Sargeant_Mark_IV


When I downloaded this mod I had high expectations for everything. The mod had been hyped for months and my body was ready. Needless to say, I was blown away! So much so that it took me awhile to be able to tear myself away from it to write a comprehensive review. Lets start with the lighting effects: They are incredible! To see such fantastic lighting on the doom engine is a rare gem these days and this mod did not disappoint. You feel like you really ARE in hell, exploring the base of demons trying to eat you alive. The gore is amazing, every shot to the chest of a demon, or imp feels powerful, and you feel the KICK. The sprites of all of the monsters look beyond great, even compared to the original version. And its free! 10/10 and I cannot wait for v2