Following the GZDoom port of Doom 64, BD-64 revitalizes the old Doom 64 with new special effects, particles, lightning, gore, new sounds, more weapon animations (shotgun reloads, smoother minigun barrels, etc.) and monsters and stuff cut from the original Nintendo 64 version. Works on GZDoom and Zandronum in OpenGL mode. (Zdoom and Zandronum Software mode are not supported.) No downloads available yet. Mod still is very early WIP.

RSS Reviews  (70 - 80 of 187)

Great job for a first version!

DooM 64 GOTY!

Another fantastic mod from Sarge. No bugs encountered so far, surprising, as this is an early version.


I get it, but I don't get it.

Before the official PC port came out, this was one of the best ways to play Doom 64. Still a great mod. Needs another update, though.


Not update Brutal Doom 64 old ?


11808 says

Agree Disagree

Doom 64 is one of my favourite doom games of all time, leaning towards a darker, more atmospheric but still kickass experience, Brutal Doom 64 Takes the format of Brutal Doom and, well, Doom 64, and creates an awesome blend, adding cut content back in, such as the opening level with the marines being massacred by the demons, the Laser-Rifle, and re-makes all of the levels, the new enemies that were added back, such as the D64 revenant did not have the best sprites, but they were certainly fun to go up against and felt imposing during combat, one thing that I feel brings this mod down is how tame the gore is for something called "Brutal Doom 64" there is not much gore, The enemies don't have location-based
damage anymore and there aren't even randomised deaths anymore, but despite all of that, I still would say that Brutal Doom 64 is at least worth an 9/10

Why would you make this?


It needs more. I suppose it technically meets the "brutal" standard, but that's about it. The first few levels of the game are a lot of fun. After that, it just becomes stupidly hard. I would have liked it a lot more if it were better balanced and there were actual weapon reload animations. For now, I unfortunately consider the mod to be mediocre.