Following the GZDoom port of Doom 64, BD-64 revitalizes the old Doom 64 with new special effects, particles, lightning, gore, new sounds, more weapon animations (shotgun reloads, smoother minigun barrels, etc.) and monsters and stuff cut from the original Nintendo 64 version. Works on GZDoom and Zandronum in OpenGL mode. (Zdoom and Zandronum Software mode are not supported.) No downloads available yet. Mod still is very early WIP.

RSS Reviews  (10 - 20 of 187)

One of greatest mods in history

great mod

Really awesome modification that brings Doom 64 to where it needed to be, the atmosphere and sound effects really push the environments beyond anything experienced in the original game and the weapons feel much more potent and fun to use. I especially love the echoing in the screams and gun sound effects that feel like they leave a lasting effect after battles.

Can't stop playing. Hooked. Long time Doom 64 fan here. Sometimes I am just looking around in awe at the subtle yet stunning upgrades made into this game. Playing on the survival co op server is awesome and something I think I will be doing for a long time to come.

The Spectre's and Nightmare Imps are amazing how they are. Now we know somethings are being changed, nerfed, and of course fixed but overall this mod released very clean and smooth. I really like the subtle changes actually. This game offered a hole lot originally. And things like new lighting, sprite anims for weapons, and monsters mixed with head scans and brutal blood is just fitting the atmosphere for me. The shotguns reloading with hands is my favorite part.

Now I have Doom 64 N64, Doom 64 EX, and last but not least Brutal Doom 64. I think I'm set! xD


It's pretty much the best way to play doom 64, and I strongly approve. However it dosen't have as mcuh stuff as regular brutal doom, giving it a more vanilla tone. In turn this makes it a very good way to play doom 64 if your trying it for the first time, since it improves the gameplay while staying relatively similar enough to the original.



this brings my first doom i ever played come back to how i felt when i was young

plus gore, fog, lighting effect, and added weapons

An excelent remake for Doom 64,and not from a rom mod a totaly ported PC game.(sorry for bad EN)

First off i was not expecting this to release, as i expected id software to pull another TNT and buyout the mod right before release and sell it. The quality is extremely high, and some of the scripted sequences are really memorable. The opening was great, and make a great atmospheric addition to the mod, and explained what happened to all the other marines. The weapons feel powerful but the enemies have scaled up with that power nicely. Overall if brutal doom was a power-fantasy, Brutal Doom 64 is a nightmare Overall i am loving what i see, and the nightmare imps are something im 50/50 on liking, as when they first appear, they appear in large numbers. I I would recommend this to those that dislike brutal doom as well as those who like it. Keep up the good work, hopefully id/romero will give a shout out.