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Comment History
Duke_Alduin - - 26 comments @ Extended Native : Calradia's Borderlands

do i need to erase the font_data.xml or font_data_old and font_data_veryold too?

Good karma+1 vote
Duke_Alduin - - 26 comments @ Calradia's Borderlands V3 : The New Worlds

do the update save compatible?

Good karma+1 vote
Duke_Alduin - - 26 comments @ Extended Native : Calradia's Borderlands

Man, can you give me a help to change the font of your mod to native one? My eyes hurt whenever see it

Good karma+1 vote
Duke_Alduin - - 26 comments @ TROUBLESHOOTING CRASHES _bugs _tech-issues

i join the cyborg faction and choosen as marshall, i lead army to bandit holding and they didn't join in siege nor in the battle at world map, i don't know if this because i join them or not and if this because i use wse2, playing with native launcher make it crash mid-play

Good karma+1 vote
Duke_Alduin - - 26 comments @ Touhou Gensokyo Warfare~the Castiron Flame

Do we need all patches or latest one?

Good karma+1 vote
Duke_Alduin - - 26 comments @ Paradigm Worlds - Ultima Thule - HOTFIX 01

I found bug, my ally doesn't join in battle and siege, I use wse2

Good karma+1 vote
Duke_Alduin - - 26 comments @ Adventure in the East 6.2 (EN)

yo bro i played the version 6.1 before and forget to tell you a bug, there's this bug in story mode after you done the quest of defeating enemy near damascus, after that i report it to the callph and after it nothing happen, no quest, no message, like its done there, do you fix that? i use the wse2 to play it

Good karma+1 vote
Duke_Alduin - - 26 comments @ Phantasy Calradia

do this mod have a discord channel?

Good karma+1 vote
Duke_Alduin - - 26 comments @ Doghotel's Brainy Bots

Do this mod have manual installation?

Good karma+2 votes
Duke_Alduin - - 26 comments @ Between Republics

Hey bro do you by any change want to repair the between empire? It's nice but have bugs in my game

Good karma+2 votes
Duke_Alduin - - 26 comments @ Calradia 1050 A.D.: Mercenary Uprising

I see, thanks for explanation, this mod is very interesting

Good karma+1 vote
Duke_Alduin - - 26 comments @ Calradia 1050 A.D.: Mercenary Uprising

I see. What does this mod have and differ from other native overhaul mod?

Good karma+1 vote
Duke_Alduin - - 26 comments @ MB: Warlords

Does this mod still active?

Good karma+1 vote
Duke_Alduin - - 26 comments @ Calradia 1050 A.D.: Mercenary Uprising

Where can I list of full features?

Good karma+1 vote
Duke_Alduin - - 26 comments @ Phantasy Calradia

dang. looks good

Good karma+2 votes
Duke_Alduin - - 26 comments @ Phantasy Calradia

where can i get list of full features?

Good karma+1 vote
Duke_Alduin - - 26 comments @ Gekokujo - Daimyo Edition

d0 this mod have discord server?

Good karma+1 vote
Duke_Alduin - - 26 comments @ 1257AD - Enhanced Edition v2.1

the link doesnt work

Good karma+1 vote
Duke_Alduin - - 26 comments @ Perisno 1.4.5 (Full Version) 6-28-2022

After I win a tournament I talk to male hakon noble and there's "script error on opcode 2190: invalid faction id:-120: line no:54: at script : get_relevant_comment_for_log_entry" and another one similar, but different in faction id:-60

Good karma+1 vote
Duke_Alduin - - 26 comments @ Perisno 1.4.5 (Full Version) 6-28-2022

Don't know if this is bug or no. I can't enlist hakon Leonidas army

Good karma+1 vote
Duke_Alduin - - 26 comments @ Fire and Water

What this mod have?

Good karma0 votes
Duke_Alduin - - 26 comments @ Warsword Conquest Southlands Edition

I don't know what the problem, but my launcher crash

Good karma+1 vote
Duke_Alduin - - 26 comments @ 1257AD - Enhanced Edition v3.7 (Patch)

While I waiting peacefully at the castle, I get notification by the order of myself the character I use is in my party. Then, the log show my relation decreased with some lords. Happened few days after I seek blessing to married

Good karma+1 vote
Duke_Alduin - - 26 comments @ 1257AD - Enhanced Edition v3.7 (Patch)

How I can fortify the manor in village? I didn't see the choice anywhere

Good karma+1 vote
Duke_Alduin - - 26 comments @ Perisno (Hotfix)

After I become independent king, I hire some household guard then the zann emperor arive and declare war on me because my capital is Elsinore. So I fought imperial scout but sometimes my household guard changed to some else troop, like example the customizable mercenary

that's me the above

Good karma+1 vote