Elder Scrolls
Elder Scrolls

Drevis is a Dunmer residing in The Randy Netch Inn in Balmora. He is one of Veya Releth's friends helping her uncover the fate of her missing brother.


Fleeing the Past[]



""Hello, can I help you? Wait a moment—you're one of those hirelings House Redoran pays to harass us simple folk. Look, all Veya wants to do is find out what happened to her brother. Too bad the House doesn't seem to care a s'wit about any of that."

Councilor Eris just wants to find his daughter. Will the note you received help me accomplish that? "Veya wants nothing to do with the House or her father. Why can't any of you respect that? Even if I wanted to help, I haven't seen Veya since she snuck out of town. We communicate by notes, and this one isn't even about her."
What's the note about then? "If you must know it, concerns Veya's brother. He was an officer in the House Guard before he vanished without a trace. We've been trying to help Veya find him."
Who are you delivering this information to if you aren't in contact with Veya? "A local tough. Goes by the name of Ashur. He delivers the letters. We usually meet him outside of town, to the northeast. But good luck trying to get any information out of him. Ashur is not known for his conversational skills."
I can be very persuasive. "I think we're done here, don't you? I told you where to find Ashur. He's been passing our notes on to Veya. Just to the north and east, outside of town. Or is this your way of offering to save me a trip, since you're headed his way?"
How do you know Veya? "Balmora's not that big. Most of the sons and daughters of the House leaders and prominent merchants know each other. Veya's one of us, and we'll do whatever it takes to help her find her brother."
You'll do anything for Veya? "Well, within reason. And Veya would do the same for us. That's why we're helping her. She really is a terrific person."
Tell me more about Veya's brother. "I'm not telling you anything, you Redoran lapdog!"
[Persuade] I'm just trying to help out here. What harm will telling me about Veya's brother possibly cause? "Sorry about that. I'm kind of on edge, if you hadn't noticed. Everyone knows Veya's brother. Or they did. Before he disappeared. Ulran was an exemplary officer. Everything House Redoran could hope for. Veya won't rest until she learns the truth."
And that's why Veya ran away? "She ran away because her father refused to give her a straight answer. She suspects he was involved in Ulran's disappearance—or that he at least knows more than he's willing to say. Is it any wonder Veya decided to take matters into her own hands?"
Why have you been avoiding House Redoran's soldiers? "You think I'm just going to tell you all our secrets, outlander? Well, that's not going to happen. I won't betray Veya."
[Intimidate] Answer my question or I'll haul you off to the House Guard personally. "All right! No need to get violent! Veya doesn't want her father to find her until she's located her brother. So we help protect her. That's why we set up the runners. Let the councilor's hounds chase us while Veya looks for Ulran."
Councilor Eris secured my services to locate his daughter. "I'm sure Councilor Eris's intentions are good. He loves his daughter. Wants her back safe and sound. But what about what Veya wants? Her brother home safe, her father's honesty, the House looking out for its people and not just its precious honor."


  • "Well done! This should help us determine what happened to Veya's brother." – When approached

