
Elvenbeard's Tower

@elvenbeard / elvenbeard.tumblr.com

• Elvenbeard | 31 | Germany • Personal blog with Art, Writing, OCs, and Gaming • Current Obsession(s): Cyberpunk 2077 •

Elven (he/him), 31, from Germany, queer 🏳️‍🌈 Artist, Writer, Virtual Photographer, available for commissions! Current Obsession(s): Cyberpunk 2077 Technically a multi-fandom / personal blog, most things are tagged accordingly 18+ content tagged with #nsft

Currently 90% I'm posting / reblogging about is Cyberpunk stuff! But also expect a dash of Dragon Age, Mass Effect, The Elder Scrolls, Gaming in General (video games and tabletop gaming), German Memes, Lord of the Rings, Mental Health, and History and Language things!

Main OC / V: Vincent Ezaki (#vincent ezaki) Main Ship: To Bad Decisions (Kerry Eurodyne / V) (#otp: to bad decisions)

Current Long-Term Project(s): Fanfiction "Love is Stored in the Olive Jar" Other Current Interests: I'd like to get into / learn more about Cyberpunk RED On-and-off working on Cosplays and other crafting projects Dabbling in Modding Cyberpunk (focused on content for Masc!V, but mostly personal projects) Drawing drawing drawing too many ideas all at once! I always have some VP projects on the backburner too

My activity on Tumblr: Anon is off, but asks and DMs are always open, don't hesitate to reach out! I don't automatically follow back and am selective with who I follow in general to keep my dash a place I enjoy - I generally don't venture into tags either I'm always okay to be tagged in stuff, be it posts, tag games, etc. so feel free to! I'm also tracking #elvenbeard I heavily utilize xkit and tumblr's own blacklisting function, so I might not see everything if there's a word somewhere in a reblog-chain that I have muted - when in doubt, reach out to me! I work in a marketing agency as a dayjob and am not always super active on tumblr - occasionally I use a queue (#queue on the hill) but I'm not very consistent with it xD I use "XD" unironincally. You have been warned!

Art Tag: #art by me Writing Tag: #my writing VP Tag: #my vp 2024 Commissions Listing Ko-Fi

Content Label: Mature


This was my entry for May's VP contest on the @lenspluslight server, with the theme 'MYTHOLOGY'. Before Santa Muerte was Santa Muerte, she was known as the Aztec goddess Mictēcacihuāt, Lady of the Dead. She ruled over the lowest level of the Aztec underworld with her consort, Mictlāntēcutli, the Lord of Mictlān.

Vice here is taking the role of a contemporary Mictlāntēcutli, standing before the shrine of Santa Muerte, holding a bloody knife in one hand and a heart in the other - evidence of the recent sacrifice performed there - his silver teeth representing the stars that Mictlāntēcutli was said to devour during daytime. Though worship of Mictlāntēcutli didn’t make it to the modern day the same way Santa Muerte did, I wanted to show off Vice's Mexican heritage a bit, and branch out into a different pantheon to what I'm used to seeing, and I've always had a thing for morbid shit, haha 😅

close ups under the cut because some details got a lil lost in the tol shot

Content Label: Mature

The author has indicated this post may contain content that may not be suitable for all audiences.


I'm having brainworms about the Tower ending again like axnynsnfrnndndn.

Like. For Vince's canon the relationship with Kerry develops alongside the events of PL and they really get to know each other well. Lots of solid groundwork laying that's super solidified post-Mikoshi when their relationship truly becomes serious and fully committed.

In an AU where Vince decides to go through with the Tower ending, this base would still exist in the same way, but then he just disappears from Kerry's life, and, with all that's been going on, Kerry eventually assumes the worst... but is well enough at that point through the impact V left on his life to not fall back into the worst of his old patterns. Like yeah, it's hard and it sucks, but if anything, he owes V to seize the opportunities he made possible for him. And so he does that, even if he's always wondering what really happened, at some point maybe even doubting if V was even real and not just a vision or hallucination or whatnot induced by whatever.

And then randomly, in the middle of a show, he shows up again via holo like wtf. Kerry's made his peace with it all already in a way and is so taken aback, who wouldn't be? The old feelings begin to resurface, but it still takes some time to cope. I think he would call back after a few days to make sure it's really V, this is really real, and figure out what to do about it now, bc yeah, his career has reached new heights, but no fling or acquaintance ever quite reached what he'd been headed to with Vince.

Meanwhile, to Vince it feels like no time passed at all, his old life is in shambles in some way, but he's built himself up from the ground several times before. That at least gives him some solace in it all, but overall the first few days/weeks after waking up in Langley suck big time. And surely Reed or the NUSA will continue to pry now and then like "you sure you dont wanna come back, we could set you up with a cozy desk job, you still got so much potential" etc etc. But no thanks.

But then, when Kerry calls back, they begin to catch up, slowly but surely, and beginning to rekindle what they had, thinking about where this all could lead to with V's new condition and all, what a future together could look like and if it would work for both of them.

And there is a lot of uncertainty, as all of this happens over the phone, but I think Kerry especially would be more of a physical touch and closeness type of person, so from his side it's all a bit more uncertain, more vague. But the day they finally meet up again in person (at Dark Matter ofc) the uncertainty is blown away and aaahffycnsarnnssnamfm

Oouughh I need to write this all in fic form xD

"Horror punk quartet, RATTUS RATTUS made waves in the underground music scene with the recent self-release of their new LP, "King of the Rat King," a twenty-seven minute train wreck of drug-laced ultra noise served up with the subtly of a rusty chainsaw. The band's become synonymous with pure chaos in the local NC music scene, often setting fire to the stage, fist fighting their own fans, and welcoming "blood sacrifices" mid-show. On one occasion, charismatic frontman "Dagger" finished a set with fresh wounds after stabbing himself several times and encouraging the crowd to follow his example. You won't find the album in record stores, but copies can be purchased from your local XBD vendor."

Opening some Sketch Commissions!

I put out a small interest check for commissions in this style a while ago, and now I'd like to open 15 slots for starters due to some unexpected expenses recently.

In general my usual [Terms of Service] apply, with some slight adjustments for this special format. By commissioning me you agree to the above terms and as follows:

  • When your slot is confirmed you receive an invoice from me over the full amount that needs to be paid upfront before I get started (there is no draft that needs to be approved bc these sketches are basically what my drafts look like, just a little more color)
  • You get the chance to request edits once the drawing is finished!
  • You can request a slot only by filling out the following google form:

The end product is not a polished or very high resolution drawing, the above doodles are examples of what the final result could look like, but my style here is a lot less consistent compared to full illustrations. I'd still be super duper happy to draw some blorbos, OCs and canon characters alike, fandom or original (as long as you have a photo or screenshot reference I can work with!). You can request multiple slots for multiple portraits, but it is always going to be only one character per portrait!

Reblogging is as always greatly appreciated 💜Looking forward to hearing from you all and drawing your characters and faves :D


Introducing the new Flat Chest Detector (Thanks once again to Berdagon for the amazing script!)

Supported Garments will automatically adapt to the Flat Chest when worn

  • No need to re-equip garments
  • Can affect multiple garments simultaneously (T1 & T2)
  • Work with both the vanilla inventory and Equipment EX
My Stinky Racerback Set has been updated to support it!

You NEED the latest Archive XL and Codeware versions!


V: "...and then there was this time that I had to, like, round up all the divergent sons of the Delamain AI? But they all had daddy issues? Like, one of them was terrified of flamingos, so I had to run around Rancho and break about a dozen of them before Clarice— their name was Clarice, by the way— would go back to the HQ, that kind of stuff. But then they all went rogue again and tried to electrocute me so I merged the cores together and that's why Delamain Cabs are out of business at the moment. Oh, and then there was this time a couple weeks ago where I crucified a guy for some braindance—"



Greatly approve that most of you would put me in the garden, cause hell yeah 🤌 I miss our old garden (and my grandma's garden from when I was a kid).

But library and fridge are great too xD and yes, I'd go to NC as a tourist if it was real, but pass on living there xDD

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