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(Animals) a type of macaque monkey of India and Sri Lanka with a crown of hair on its head. Also called: capped macaque
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Ayrica, zati oneme sahip ornek olay calismasinda soz konusu incelemeden elde edilen sonuclar konuyla ilgili genellemeler icin her halukarda ilgi cekicidir.
"He made us wait an hour and a half just to hear him choke on his s ?," Abou Zati spat, provoking a feral roar agreement from the patrons.
Asghar Zati of the association was cited as saying: "About two o'clock, two vans bearing no signs stopped in front of the house of the Iranian Teachers Associ-ation's secretary-general, detained everyone present at the meeting and transported them to an unknown location."
Local sources said that houses belonging to education expert Malik Saad Khan, Dr Bashar Khan, Noor Khan, Jaloot Khan, Bachi Gul and Sher Zati were destroyed in the bombing, while the fort of Malik Nasir Khan was destroyed in Gara Gah area.
According to official sources, warplanes carried out intense bombing in Saam, Kacha Langer Khel, Karam Gariai, Ladda Sarai, Tangi Bodizai, Makeen, Janta, Sararogha, Kotkai and Gara Gah, killing twelve militants and injuring seven others.Local sources said that houses belonging to education expert Malik Saad Khan, Dr Bashar Khan, Noor Khan, Jaloot Khan, Bachi Gul and Sher Zati were destroyed in the bombing, while the fort of Malik Nasir Khan was destroyed in Gara Gah area.
We thank the participants who provided blood samples, and Onder Ergonul and Zati Vatansever for suggestions in reviewing the manuscript.
Zati Hz.Krali tarafindan istar edilen fermanlarin tasdike iktiran edip bunlar mucibince Meclisi Kavaninin ilga ve kanun yapmak selahiyetinin Valiye bahsedildiginin berayi malumati umumiye ilanini Zati Hz.
Dugunde tum sairler siirlerini kendileri padisahin huzurunda okumus, Zati kendi siirini okuduktan sonra "Fazli adinda bir ciragim var.