Zauschneria californica

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Related to Zauschneria californica: Epilobium canum
ThesaurusAntonymsRelated WordsSynonymsLegend:
Noun1.Zauschneria californica - shrublet of southwestern United States to Mexico having brilliant scarlet flowersZauschneria californica - shrublet of southwestern United States to Mexico having brilliant scarlet flowers
Epilobium, genus Epilobium - large widely distributed genus of herbs and subshrubs of especially western North America and Arctic areas
shrublet - dwarf shrub
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References in periodicals archive ?
ZAUSCHNERIA CALIFORNICA BRING some Californian warmth into the garden with these zingy orange-red flowers in late summer/early autumn.
Crane also suggests reddish orange California fuchsia (Zauschneria californica), a native perennial that's an important late-summer food source for hummingbirds.
If you've got a bright, sunny, welrained spot on the rockery then the tiny trailing flowers of Zauschneria californica, massed together to form a block of vibrant orange-red, should not be missed.