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(in South Africa) abbreviation for
(Christian Churches, other) Zion Christian Church
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014
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For ZCC it was a new experience to facilitate bringing all the relevant parties to a given programme together.
The Ministry of Culture, Government of India has constituted a high power steering committee including Sh.Bansi Kaul, Smt Shobna Narayan, Smt Durga Jasraj, Smt Kiran seth, Sh.G.S.Channi and Sh.Rattan Thiyan as members to oversee, guide and conceptualis the celebrations and programme which will be continued for one year as a part of Silver Jubilee celebrations of ZCCs.
In conjunction with the ZCC, the Christian churches have addressed the declining economic conditions affecting their members.
During the period covered by this report, the ZCC, ZCBC, EFZ, and South African churches and clergy called for talks of political reconciliation between the ruling and opposition parties, to resume their leadership of the country and to promote a spirit of tolerance.
If they have customers with issues that one of their colleagues are better able to handle they can see if they are on the line, on break or available with ZCC's presence capabilities.
With this resource, a senior manager could see if an inside sales rep is busy and simply send them a text message, or have the ZCC system let them know when the sales rep is going to be available through integration with their Outlook or Lotus.
ZCC Executive Mobile brings the best in Unified Communications to the mobile phone.
The ZCC is 100% amateur and does not limit itself to comedy.