References in periodicals archive ?
It's unclear whether the changes will be codified in the constitution, but analysts said the shake-up shows Kim has fully come into his own, eight years after he inherited rule from his father, Kim Jong Il, Reuters reported.
Gary Bollan insisted a spot in the promotion shake-up's in Airdrie's grasp after his Diamonds sank Stenny to climb to fth.
There's a quality of unreality to recent press obsession with these changes--they not only amount to a faux shake-up, but are perversely unrelated to the actual problems underlying the president's cratering approval numbers.
ANEWCASTLE firm which delivers specialist medical reports for the insurance industries is looking to double its workforce this year following a shake-up within its sector.
The controversial shake-up of accident and emergency services in Calderdale and Huddersfield is back on the agenda and it's quickly looking increasingly likely that casualty at Calderdale Royal Hospital is under the threat of closure.
FEARS have been raised over healthcare on Teesside and the wider North-east, after health secretary Andrew Lansley announced a major shake-up of services which will see local Primary Care Trusts (PCTs) abolished.
David Austin of Golconda isn't a stranger to Harrisburg, and during warmer weather the entrepreneur operates his lemon shake-up stand on Parker Plaza.
Solicitor Patrick McGuire, whose firm Thompsons represent families at FAIs, welcomed some aspects of the planned shake-up.
The shake-up comes as Greggs, which saw its share price tumble 9% yesterday, issued a profit warning after being hit by weather extremes.
Around 80% of homes - some 170,000 properties - will see their collection day change as a result of the shake-up.
The shake-up comes as Greggs, who saw their share price tumble nine per cent yesterday, issued a profit warning after being hit by weather extremes.