omnia vincit amor

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omnia vincit amor

(ˈɒmnɪə ˈvɪnsɪt ˈæmɔː)
love conquers all things
[from Virgil's Eclogues 10:69]
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014
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In line with the artistic awakening that Saudi Arabia is experiencing, IBG has brought a series of performances to Jeddah, such as the contemporary dance ballet "Omnia Vincit Amor" (in English, love conquers all) from Italian contemporary dance company Keyhole Dance Project as well as a performance by Rome Symphony Orchestra soloists.
And let's not forget the sly reference Virgil makes here to his own earlier tenth Eclogue, in which a lovesick poet says omnia vincit Amor, "Love conquers all things." The self-reference is illuminating, for the need to control passion, and the destructive consequences of failing to do so, are one of the Georgics's major themes.
A special feature is the chimney piece, a solid block of Forest of Dean stone is carved to represent the winter amusements of lovers and bears the motto 'Omnia vincit amor et nos cedamus amori-Virgil' which means 'Love conquers all; let us also yield to love'.
De esta forma Diez Fernandez explica la obra desde "tres juncos" que teje Cervantes: el genero de la comedia al que pertenece, el tema del omnia vincit amor y las libertades poeticas que otorga el recrear un mundo prodigioso pintado con una gran dosis de exotismo.
It took little effort to grasp the basic principle, namely, "omnia vincit amor," which is nothing new.
In line with the artistic awakening that Saudi Arabia is experiencing, IBG has brought to a series of artistic shows to Jeddah audiences such as Omnia Vincit Amor contemporary dance ballet that took place on March 18.
"Omnia Vincit Amor" (in English, love conquers all) is a contemporary ballet by Keyhole Dance Project, a contemporary dance company from Padova, Italy, which took place at the Italian Cultural Center.
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