

v. t. & i.1.To presage; to foreshow; to foretoken.
Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary, published 1913 by G. & C. Merriam Co.
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g ominate; e returnr his belt k-to-back to raise ccording nation to The midfielder insists it is natural performances on big occasions.
There are five ategories for which you can ominate your avourite local pot.
But what do the people of Cardiff think about the huge, intrusive metal fence that will d ominate the city's treasured Bute Park for the best part of a month, with major central areas blocked off to the public?
ominate - s telling Just send us a picture of your smile - or a snap of who you want to nominate with 250 words us why you, or they, deserve to win the prize.
Visit before Monday, August 30 to ns ominate.
However, with the threat failing to materialise, McSheffrey extended the hosts' lead before Brunt pulled one back and it was Wednesday's turn to d ominate.