

n.1.The act of ominating; presaging.
Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary, published 1913 by G. & C. Merriam Co.
References in periodicals archive ?
BADIN -- Scrutiny of nomination forms in connection of election 2018,n omination forms scrutiny processs continued on Monday.
It seems a bitodd that one hibernating rodent'slate-winter den omination, allegedly fixing the time till spring, should be a matter of such manifestinterest to persons of all religious beliefs.
Hopefully, this will now mean that they will not be able to ruin our skyline with the ab omination called The Fourth Grace.
my omination"--and informs our understanding of the diagram's permutations in a way that is not apparent from the conventions of Western readings.
The fact Cambridge has lost the feminist author and academic Germaine Greer to Warwick, who joins the university this year as Professor of English and Comparative Literature, would seem to seal its new-found status as a Midland rival to the traditional d omination of Oxbridge.
D omination, totally controlling your partner sexually or being completely at your partner's mercy, is a situation that many people fantasise about.
The present state of affairs is an ab omination to God.
I cannot, under any circumstances, relate to a gay and lesbian group who call themselves Chris-tians because the Bible makes it abundantly clear that this unnatural way of life is an ab omination to God,and his pattern for our lives is also clearly written in Scripture.
OMINATIONS for the nation's holiday 'Oscars' are flooding in - and the prize pot is growing, too.
You could win a stunning trip on a Danube river cruise OMINATIONS for the nation's holiday 'Oscars' are flooding in - and the prize pot is growing, too.
Thousands of pounds worth of prizes on offer for having your say in the travel 'Oscars' OMINATIONS for the nation's holiday 'Oscars' are flooding in - and the prize pot is growing, too.
N r ominations can be submitted via the website, www.w w omenin by April 11.