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[ˈliːvteɪkɪŋ] nadieux mplleaving present [ˈliːvɪŋprɛzənt] ncadeau m de départ
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[ˈliːvˌteɪkɪŋ] ncommiato, addio
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References in classic literature ?
She had not even a share in his opening compliments.Her name was not mentioned; and there was so striking a change in all this, and such an illjudged solemnity of leavetaking in his graceful acknowledgments, as she thought, at first, could not escape her father's suspicion.
But his leavetaking was cut short in a very unexpected fashion.
They clear out with no words of leavetaking in some God-forsaken port other men would fear to be stranded in, and go ashore in company of a shabby sea-chest, corded like a treasure-box, and with an air of shaking the ship's dust off their feet.
Maya Rossin-Slater, Christopher Ruhm, and Jane Waldfogel showed that, for mothers overall, leavetaking more than doubled after the law came into effect, increasing by an average of about 3 weeks.
Even then, I thought the book was his way of leavetaking, even as it came in the heels of his being bestowed the highest literary award in the country.
His topics include mining the self: The Dark, psychoanalytical signification and the remnants of literature: The Leavetaking, "low" modernism: The Pornographer, the old pieties: modernity and "The Country Funeral," and modernist times and That They May Face the Rising Sun.
JANUARY 2016 has turned out to be a month for leavetaking, as well-loved show biz icons have been bidding farewell to their grieving loved ones and fans.
I read and reread his early work and then, following the epiphany that happened with The Leavetaking, I began to write in hypnotic appreciation of his art of fiction.
If therefore the scene is one of intimacy, it is at the same time a parody of intimacy, and of leavetaking. Are we to understand that a kind of communion is taking place--are the eyes thus here the windows of the soul?
As Edugyan wonders whether letting go of Amos's adopted life meant a "return" to his first home or a "leavetaking" from his new home, thoughtful, unanswered questions arise about the shifting nature of home.
The volume could very well have been titled, "Portrait of the Artist as a Young Reader." Based on interviews with those who knew McGahern in the 1940s and 50s, on the many and extensive conversations Sampson himself had with the author over three decades, and on Sampson's close reading of everything McGahern ever wrote, the book focuses on the young adulthood of McGahern, from his leavetaking of his father's barracks in Cootehall, Co.
(1) McGahern's novels include The Barracks (1963); The Dark (1965); The Leavetaking (1974); The Pornographer (1979); Amongst Women (1990); and By the Lake (also titled That They May Face the Rising Sun) (2002).
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