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n.1.Coagulated sour milk diluted with water; - a common beverage among the Arabs. Also, a fermented liquor made of the same.
Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary, published 1913 by G. & C. Merriam Co.
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12 Alexander (WN), Arends (NC), Ke.Bernhard (DGN), Boehmke (NV), Brennan (NN), Dutcher (GW), Elizondo (WC), Frank (LP), Gregule (GW), Leban (HS), Mitchell (Fen), Rossin (Lis), Wanshek (SF)
In Saudi Arabia, Elemka is also understood to have helped carry out the post-tensioning of pillars for the Wadi Leban Bridge.
The album contains 8 tracks that are "Benkhaf'' ( We are Afraid), ''Kan lak Ma'aya'' ( You Have with me) , ''Ya abyad ya eswed'' ( Either White or Black), ''Hatlena bel ba'y leban'' ( Buy Gum with the Rest of Money), ''Yalla neghany'' ( Lets Sing) , ''Ana el segara'' ( I am the Cigarette), ''Ma'aad sagheran'' and ''Ana el sout" ( I am the Voice).
As a result, Banque du Liban (BDL), Leban on's central bank--in an effort to foster the digital economy--initiated Circular 331 in 2013 to subsidize investments in startups in the knowledge economy, including the fashion industry.
The fireworks display near the Hanging Bridge in Wadi Leban and at the King Fahd Stadium had Riyadh residents spellbound.
Tengku Abdullah said this in his speech during a breaking-of-fast ceremony at Kampung Leban Chondong Mosque here, yesterday which was attended by Mentri Besar Datuk Seri Wan Rosdy Wan Ismail and State Secretary Datuk Seri Safian Ismail.
Slovenian goalkeeper Zan-Luk Leban has had a trial at United, who signed Serbia youth international goalie Vanja Milinkovic-Savic in 2014 but terminated his contract after just 18 months after he failes to qualify for a work permit.
Slovenian goalkeeper Zan-Luk Leban recently had a trial at United, who previously signed Serbia youth international goalie Vanja Milinkovic-Savic in 2014 but terminated his contract after just 18 months.
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