lead dioxide

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lead dioxide

A poisonous brown crystalline compound, PbO2, used as an oxidizing agent in electrodes, batteries, and explosives.
American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth Edition. Copyright © 2016 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.
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In the fully charged state the positive plate is lead dioxide, the electrolyte is sulfuric acid and the negative plate is lead.
A typical lead-acid battery contains pure lead that is referred to as a negative electrode and lead dioxide that is used as a positive electrode.
To improve ORR and simultaneously maximize the power density, various kinds of electrocatalysts such as Pt [5], lead dioxide [6], iron (III) phthalocyanine(FePc) and cobalt tetramethoxyphenyl porphyrin(COTMPP) [7-10], Prussian blue/polyaniline [11], iron related ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid [12], Co/Fe/N/CNT [13], and Co-naphthalocyanine [14] have been evaluated for their ORR activity in MFC cathodes and the MFCs all exhibited good performances.
Summary: Electro deposition of pure and doped lead dioxide on titanium substrate are described from acid bath at room temperature, voltage 3.0 - 4.0 V and current density 0.007 - 0.013 A/cm2.
[11] Shen, P.K., and Wei, X.L., 2003, "Morphologic Study of Electrochemically Formed Lead Dioxide," Eelctrochemica Acta, 48, pp.
ABSTRACT: The electrochemical anodic behaviour of lead dioxide, and mixed lead dioxide electrodes electrodepositd on stainless steel have been investigated for the oxygen evolution reactions in sulphuric acid electrolytes.
The opening and longest chapter in this collection examines the electrochemical behavior of modified titanium electrodes in aqueous solutions and develops a method for depositing lead dioxide on titanium electrodes.
Lead dioxide -- much higher OEP than Ir or Ru oxides but can be reduced by alloying etc
coli DNA by adding lead dioxide to the nutrient agar.
With flat plate design, each positive plate is a cast metallic lead frame that contains lead dioxide active material.