Lead angle

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Related to Lead angle: helix angle
(Steam Engine) the angle which the crank maker with the line of centers, in approaching it, at the instant when the valve opens to admit steam.

See also: Lead

Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary, published 1913 by G. & C. Merriam Co.
References in periodicals archive ?
Lead angle has also been pretty much standardized at 1.5 degrees.
The cutter is available in 45- or 68-degree lead angle versions.
I have used that same approach for sizing the metering depth for hundreds of screws with the same lead angle and proportional configuration.
To this end, a campaign of FEM structural analyses has been carried out on a model of a helical spline coupling with parallel-side profiles by varying the design lead angle [beta] from 45 to 135 deg (admissible range for helical gears).
Tucson, AZ, April 14, 2011 --(PR.com)-- Bruker Corporation (NASDAQ: BRKR) today demonstrated the NPFLEX-LA[TM], the industry's first non-contact, three-dimensional surface metrology system to provide quantitative lead angle and surface texture measurements for the control and reduction of fluid leakage of rotary dynamic sealing surfaces.
where [D.sub.med] represent the mean diameter of the acme thread 38 mm and [theta], the lead angle.
The high-feed rate is made possible by an 80-degree lead angle, allowing for an extreme chip thinning factor.
The cross sectional shape of nut at the first ridge changes circumferentially due to the lead angle of thread, which causes nonsymmetrical mechanical behaviors concerning the ratio of flank load and stress concentration at the root of bolt.
It can be equipped with a power wheel helix [A-axis] for grinding external, [+ or -]35[degrees] lead angle, and internal threads, [+ or -]10[degrees] lead angle, right or left.