lead aircraft

lead aircraft

1. The airborne aircraft designated to exercise command of other aircraft within the flight.
2. An aircraft in the van of two or more aircraft.
Dictionary of Military and Associated Terms. US Department of Defense 2005.
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They took off, as lead aircraft, on a mission with two other aircraft on the evening of Sunday, February 11, 1940.
The board said: "The lead aircraft issued a directive to turn hard left and the glider passed down the right-hand side of the aircraft."
After taking separation from the lead aircraft, he saw the engine revolutions per minute degrading, accompanied by master alert warning lights and caution tones.
jc6s Instructor Mike Robinson, 64, said "We were just a few seconds away from a normal skydive when the trail plane Nht oj s came over the top of the lead aircraft and came down on top of it.
Reporting to MPs on the findings of an RAF board of inquiry, Mr Ainsworth said: "The accident occurred when the lead aircraft, XW211, had landed and its passengers had disembarked.
The lead aircraft will share the record with TAAG Angola Airlines' second 777-200ER, which matched the speed-over-distance record and arrived in Luanda an hour later.
The witness reported that this airplane "appeared to turn and climb much more aggressively than the lead aircraft." The second airplane then "merged with the lead aircraft from below and from the left." The second airplane subsequently entered a "near vertical, slow spiral descent in a nose-down attitude."
I immediately assumed control of the aircraft and shot out a call to the lead aircraft declaring the in-flight emergency and requesting the lead.
As the wingman troubleshot a problem on the practice LHA deck, the lead aircraft executed several landings with each pilot taking a turn at the controls.
If I network a training mission with two devices and two sets of pilots, and the second aircraft is flying off a lead aircraft in virtual space, or if the lead aircrew turns early or misses a checkpoint on a route, they are forced to react to the mistake the same way they would in the actual aircraft."
"The lead aircraft might frighten feeding or loafing birds into becoming airborne into your intended flight path."
Eyewitnesses said one helicopter was chasing the other and flew into the back of the lead aircraft.