Lead color

a deep bluish gray color, like tarnished lead.

See also: Lead

Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary, published 1913 by G. & C. Merriam Co.
References in periodicals archive ?
The field explained that a lead color Nissan and a grey Volkswagen collided in Sfariyah village leading to the death of the child M.
The company said that Ross, in his new role, will lead Color Pigments and Services business, the Clay-Based Additives business (including Southern Clay Products) and the Wood Treatment business, which includes Chemical Specialties Inc, the Mineral Research and Development division and the Viance LLC joint venture.
Whether the lead color in a design, or as a strong complementary to white, black can be the color--or, more accurately, lack of color--needed to add elegance.
According to DuPont Automotive's 2003 color popularity report, in the luxury category, medium-dark gray moved from sixth place to the lead color, representing 23.3% of the vehicles manufactured during the 2003 model year in North America.