References in classic literature ?
But at the same moment, his two auditors, accompanied by the host, fell upon D'Artagnan with sticks, shovels and tongs.
The host, fearful of consequences, with the help of his servants carried the wounded man into the kitchen, where some trifling attentions were bestowed upon him.
Mine host of the "Seven Does" stood by, discussing the eternal Robin with a drover.
"Of Robin Hood and his men," said the host; "but go to sleep again.
A voice directed me to satisfy my hunger and to feed my calot, and while I was thus engaged my invisible host put me through a severe and searching cross-examination.
The secret of the entire process hinges on the use of the ninth ray, one of the beautiful scintillations which I had noted emanating from the great stone in my host's diadem.
As for himself, he dismounted and remained under a beautiful group of chestnuts in flower, amidst which were murmuring a multitude of happy bees, and bade Olivain send the host to him with writing paper and ink, to be placed on a table which he found there, conveniently ready.
This said, D'Artagnan called the host, and desired him to send his teal, tourteau, and cider up to the chamber of the gentleman of modest exterior.
Besides, we have got ready, our host's horse has been harnessed, and we'll get there with God's help!'
"You are sleeping, son of Atreus; one who has the welfare of his host and so much other care upon his shoulders should dock his sleep.
Servant of God, well done, well hast thou fought The better fight, who single hast maintaind Against revolted multitudes the Cause Of Truth, in word mightier then they in Armes; And for the testimonie of Truth hast born Universal reproach, far worse to beare Then violence: for this was all thy care To stand approv'd in sight of God, though Worlds Judg'd thee perverse: the easier conquest now Remains thee, aided by this host of friends, Back on thy foes more glorious to return Then scornd thou didst depart, and to subdue By force, who reason for thir Law refuse, Right reason for thir Law, and for thir King MESSIAH, who by right of merit Reigns.
'Dear me,' said the host, 'I wonder I haven't missed him before.