confocal microscope

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confocal microscope

(General Physics) a light microscope with an optical system designed to reject background from matter outside the focal plane and therefore allowing images of different sections of a specimen to be obtained
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The polarization interferometric nonlinear confocal microscope proposed enhances CTF of images.
Unlike other combination "confocal microscope plus spectrograph" devices, the new machine is able to gather the spectrographic information from every point in a sample, at a wide range of wavelengths, and in a single scan.
With the addition of IATIA's QPm, Bio-Rad will have the only confocal microscopes in the world with digital phase imaging capability without the use of additional optical hardware.
In the scanning-disk-type confocal microscopes, multiple pinholes are located on a spinning Nipkow disk.
The microscope, located at UC Davis' Spectral Imaging Facility, combines an atomic force microscope and a confocal microscope. It is one of a handful in the United States and one of the most advanced of its type, Liu said.
The VK-9700 color 3D laser scanning confocal microscope is said to combine the capabilities of SEMs and non-contact profilometry with the simplicity of a conventional microscope.
Typically, an oblong laser spot created by a confocal microscope has a diffraction-limited size of about 600 nm in depth and 200 nm in girth, says team leader Stefan W.
SDi believes that the introduction of basic confocal microscope systems with a reasonable price - say between $60,000 and $100,000, which appears doable - could have a major influence in shaping the market for these instruments.