

involving conflict
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014
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People fear that this tragic episode may not end here, but may signal the renewal of a conflictful process that should have ended under modernity.
Indeed, Theseus and the Minotaur, 1942, inevitably brings to mind the conflictful works Pollock was making at the same time, or de Kooning's late figurative sculpture.
Finally, at the end of the twentieth century and in the twenty-first century, there are those who see a "conflictful" pluralism of power within technology.
While in Greek skhole indicated "a place for otiose discussion," the Proto-Indo-European base segh (also appearing in "scheme") meant "hold in one's power." While not necessarily violent, this source also carries with it an unpleasant, conflictful connotation.
In conflictful situations, Ting-Toomey and Kurogi (1998) found that people in individualistic cultures used direct and face-threatening strategies whereas people in collectivistic cultures used indirect and face-saving strategies.
(Operating the can teen turned out to be highly conflictful as the Chinese employees strongly criticized the quality and style of the food!)
Conflictful relationships between Portuguese and Brazilians resulted from the powerful influence that Portuguese government advisers, military officials, and merchants who were engaged in the transatlantic slave trade exercised over the plantation complex and the planter elites at its helm.
For group members to be willing to en gage in the difficult and conflictful processes that may lead to innovative performance, it seems that group members must have similar values.
Positivist criminology, for example, is described as "the alienated expression of conflictful and passionate social processes within a `scientific' rationalization of the responses and sensibilities of the powerful" (p.
In other words, journalists would not simply report public problems in their dramatic, conflictful outlines, but would ask a variety of sources: `What can be done about this social problem?' `What are its causes?' `How have other countries and other historical periods confronted the problem?' `What are the best ideas of contemporary authorities who have studied it?' `What obstacles stand in the way of solution?'...
We should consider whether we may be making a dangerous overinvestment in idealized fictions of maternal and sororal relations, both as a basis for a feminized public ethics and as a narrative shape for describing the perverse and conflictful narratives which women themselves have made of their social and psychic relations to their own sex.
The United States encourages greater informality, values verbal candor and physical spontaneity, and favors more aggressive approaches to conflictful situations.