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The ability of a metal that has been cast as a bearing surface to deform plastically to compensate for irregularities in bearing assembly.
McGraw-Hill Dictionary of Scientific & Technical Terms, 6E, Copyright © 2003 by The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc.
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The block evolution method without shape prior is tested, and the nuclear norm is utilized to constraint the shape conformability of evolving contours.
This section briefly recalls for completeness the working principle of the tactile sensor and discusses the generalization of the design procedure, partially presented by the authors in [26], which allows obtaining an optimal design of distributed sensors with high conformability.
Thanks to its conformability, ePTFE can be used to seal flange surfaces of different qualities.
The researchers confirmed the theoretically determined bending radius of 50 micrometers during experiments in which they placed the electronic membrane on human hair and found that the membrane wrapped itself around the hair with perfect conformability
For the attractive characteristics such as light weight, good conformability, easy integration, and low cost fabrication, low-profile antennas have been extensively studied by researchers both in academia and industry.
Film materials using this adhesive deliver excellent clarity, conformability for container squeeze, and dispensing stiffness for highspeed converting and dispensing.
Without doubt, market conformability is subject to considerable latitude in interpretation, and so necessarily will involve controversy.
Angled BobCats should be used when the operator is seeking maximum aggression, while the flat BobCat excels with smoother grinding and enhanced conformability. For optimum performance, the angled discs are best used at an angle ranging from 15-25 degrees and the flat discs are recommended for use at a range of 0-15 degrees.
These in situ forming dressings could mould into the shape of wound defect and have advantages over the use of preformed dressings since it would enable conformability of the dressing on wounds without wrinkling or fluting.