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Timely confocal microscopy affords an earlier diagnostic confirmation and allows for reliable, noninvasive detection of Acanthamoeba in both mild and severe clinical presentations.
Surface Science 2004-05 Market Share Growth Rate Electron Microscopy 64.5% 7.5% Surface Analyzers 16.8% 3.6% Scanning Probe Microscopy 12.8% 12.1% Confocal Microscopy 6.0% 4.0% Total 100.0% 7.2% 2004 Supplier Market Shares Others 36% Zeiss 6% Veeco 6% FEI 11% Hitachi 20% JEOL 21% Note: Table made from pie chart.
Through this acquisition, Carl Zeiss gains multiphoton confocal microscopy technology that was exclusively licensed by Cornell University to Bio-Rad.
Confocal microscopy is more and more being taken over by microscope manufacturers, which were already supplying major subsystems.
Confocal microscopy revenues will continue to languish with low single-digit growth.