confocal microscope

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con·fo·cal mi·cro·scope

a microscope that allows the observer to visualize objects in a single plane of focus, thereby creating a sharper image (usually the objects are fluorescent molecules); a refinement of this microscope uses optic sectioning and a computer to record serial sections. This permits three-dimensional reconstruction.
Farlex Partner Medical Dictionary © Farlex 2012

con·fo·cal mi·cro·scope

(kon-fō'kăl mī'krŏ-skōp)
A microscope that allows the observer to visualize objects in a single plane of focus, thereby creating a sharper image (usually the objects are fluorescent molecules); a refinement of this microscope uses optic sectioning and a computer to record serial sections. This permits three-dimensional reconstruction.
Medical Dictionary for the Health Professions and Nursing © Farlex 2012
References in periodicals archive ?
A LDs output beam as being S-polarized travels through a beam expander to optimize the numerical aperture (NA) of objective lenses, which determines the basic resolving power of the confocal microscope. The beam divides into reference-arm and measurement-arm beams.
Zygo entered the confocal market in August of 1996 when it purchased a division of Technical Instruments which offered low-cost confocal microscopes and had a particular strength in materials testing.