confocal microscope

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confocal microscope

[¦kän‚fō·kəl ′mī·krə‚skōp]
A microscope that creates high-resolution images of very small objects by using a condenser lens to focus the illuminating light from a point source into a very small diffraction-limited spot within the specimen, and an objective lens to focus the light emitted from that spot onto a small pinhole in an opaque screen.
McGraw-Hill Dictionary of Scientific & Technical Terms, 6E, Copyright © 2003 by The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc.
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Figure 2 shows a schematic of a polarization interferometric nonlinear confocal microscope. This microscope is a confocal microscope including the Michelson interferometer for polarization interferometry.
Because they are so expensive, confocal microscopes are typically purchased with government grants for multiple users.
Laboratory instruments used in this science and exhibited at the show include imaging equipment, confocal microscopes (see article on page four), and various bioinstrumentation.