conformal array

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conformal array

[kən′fȯr·məl ə′rā]
A circular, cylindrical, hemispherical, or other shaped array of electronically switched antennas; provides the special radiation patterns required for Tacan, IFF, and other air navigation, radar, and missile control applications.
McGraw-Hill Dictionary of Scientific & Technical Terms, 6E, Copyright © 2003 by The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc.
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Synthesis of conformal arrays continues to be of interest to researchers in the field.
For this time-modulated conformal array, we focus on achieving low sidelobe level and low sideband level simultaneously as follows:
Anagnostou, "An autonomous self-adapting conformal array for cylindrical surfaces with a changing radius," in 2014 IEEE Antennas and Propagation Society International Symposium (APSURSI), pp.
In this paper, an efficient 2-D DOA estimation method is proposed for the cylindrical conformal array in the presence of unknown mutual coupling.
We call such an array as the minimum redundancy flexible array (MRFA) or the minimum redundancy conformal array (MRCA).
In Section 2, the design configuration of elements on cylindrical carriers and the signal model of arbitrary conformal array configurations with polarization diversity are introduced.
The first example is a uniform 5 by 5 cylindrical conformal array shown in Figure 1.
Fathy and Hessel [3] show that a dielectric covering on a cylindrical conformal array causes blind spots in the array scan pattern.
The radar designer, depending upon his particular perspective, sees them in terms of the antenna design including, search, sequential lobing, monopulse tracking, log periodic, phased-array, dish, conformal array, bistatic and monostatic; in terms of signal processing including, pulsed Doppler, linear FM and CW; in terms of propagation including, over the horizon (OTH), ground and foliage penetration; in terms of frequency bands including, UHF, L-, C-, X- and K-bands; and in terms of location including, ground-based, airborne, shipboard or space-based.
The paper DOA Estimation of Cylindrical Conformal Array Based on Geometric Algebra" by M.
The capability and versatility of the proposed MDE algorithm will be assessed by two different array types: an equally spaced linear array and a cylindrical conformal array. Since the evaluations of the cost function tend to dominate the overall computation budget in pattern synthesis problems, a key factor is the number of fitness function evaluations.
Helier, "Approximated method neglecting coupling for conformal array," Applied Computational Electromagnetics Society Journal, Vol.