basic iron

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Noun1.basic iron - pig iron containing a high percentage of phosphorusbasic iron - pig iron containing a high percentage of phosphorus; used in making steel by a process that removes the phosphorus
pig iron - crude iron tapped from a blast furnace
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'This is pursuant to the vision of President Duterte to establish the first integrated iron and steel plant during his term, which will allow the country to produce basic iron and steel products, including flat products.
M2 PRESSWIRE-July 25, 2019-: The Manufacture & Wholesale of Basic Iron & Steel in South Africa, 2019, with Profiles on 49 Industry Players
The facilities in the complex will include sintering, coking, pelletizing and steel-rolling, according to the Philippine statement, producing basic iron and steel products for further processing.
According to the firm, it opens an opportunity for the Philippines to domestically produce basic iron and steel products, and in turn supply downstream steel goods, including sheets and bars, as well as construction grade materials, like wire rod and wire mesh.
Peters believes as the increase was mainly due to higher production in the basic iron and steel, non-ferrous metal products, metal products and machinery division (11.3 per cent and contributing 2.0 percentage points), downstream manufacturers will take up this increased production and provide the packaging industry with slightly increased upstream demand.
The Industrial market report offers a comprehensive guide to the size and shape of the Basic Iron and Steel market at a national level.
Included in that decline was a staggering 37% year-on-year slump in basic iron and steel manufacturing.
Product coverage: Basic Iron, Steel and Ferro-alloys, Cast Iron and Steel Tubes, Cold Rolling of Narrow Strip and Forming, Drawing of Iron and Steel.
"Currently the basic iron structures forming the animal cages are being fitted and work is being done to finish the main building.
Capacities of GCC basic iron and steel products have been estimated by analysts at approximately 20m tonnes of iron ore pellets, 2m tonnes of sheets and plates, 17m tonnes of longs and 5mn tonnes of pipes and tubes.
4 in basic iron was regarded as blasphemy among waterfowlers.

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