

(bəʃˈkjirtsəf) or


(Biography) Marie, original name Marya Konstantinovna Bashkirtseva. 1858–84, Russian painter and diarist who wrote in French, noted esp for her Journal (1887)
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Mary Wortley Montagu (1689-1762) wrote about a technique of vaccination from Turkey, and George Washington (1732-1799) expressed his experience of being stricken by smallpox, while Marie Bashkirtseff (1858-1884) and Emily Shore (1819-1839) described their chronic illnesses caused by tuberculosis.
The highlight here was Russian-born Marie Bashkirtseff's, In the Studio (1881), a large-scale academic painting of women in a life class at the Academie Julian, to which many women flocked since it afforded an experience akin to the Ecole (fig.
[...] Le contare una anecdota: termine la relectura y fui, no se por que, a las memorias de Maria Bashkirtseff. !justamente la negacion de Vd!
En su nota, el autor cita por extenso el prologo de Unamuno, hace referencia, tambien por extenso, de los poemas, e intenta analizarlos uno por uno, algo asi como el prologo del que carece verdaderamente el libro: "?Y que decir ahora de la obra en prosa de Silva; de su admirable estudio acerca de Maria Bashkirtseff, paginas intensas, de sagacidad pasmosa, que vinieron a completar el analisis frio de la rusa hecho por Barres y a hacer innocua la sabia pedanteria de Max Nordau, el doctor de El mal del siglo?
A quotation from Marie Bashkirtseff introduces the gender stereotypes commonly associated with the liseuse, such as passivity and downcast eyes.