basic industry

basic industry

(Economics) an industry which is highly important in a nation's economy
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She added that this was the institution which is a basic industry designed to meet the steel needs of Pakistan, and has also played a vital role in domestic defence industries.
Montana State University is the largest basic industry in Gallatin County, accounting for about 32 percent of total basic earnings.
De la Paz was removed "for mistakes made in his job," said CNN, quoting a government communique, while 78-year-old Valdes--a historic leader of the Revolution and vice-president of the Council of Ministers--was "freed up" to manage not only the Communications Ministry but also the Construction and Basic Industry ministries.
Al-Medaifer told the Prince that Maaden is a joint stock Company with a capital of SR 9.25 billion and assets of nearly SR 34 billion, noting that the Company is putting the finishing touches to start production at its phosphate joint venture with Saudi Basic Industry Corporation "SABIC" in the second quarter of 2011 at a cost of capital SR 21 billion.
The island supplies 10% of the world's cobalt, according to the Basic Industry Ministry.
CHICKENS reared to basic industry standards could find themselves in spaces almost 25% smaller than an A4 piece of paper if the Government adopts new EU legislation, the RSPCA warned today.
Currently chickens reared for meat at basic industry standards are allocated 526 sq cm, which is 15% less space than an A4 sheet of paper.
Chickens reared to basic industry standards could find themselves in spaces almost 25 per cent smaller than an A4 piece of paper if the Government adopts new EU legislation, the RSPCA warned.
This is almost all basic industry, since most of the goods manufactured in Colorado are exported from the state.
From basic industry job possibilities to researching companies and preparing resumes, Getting a Job in Architecture and Design provides industry-specific tips not available elsewhere.
Government control of basic industry does not have a record of success, and almost everywhere it has been tried corruption and inefficiency have negatively impacted the economy.

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