basic research

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basic research

Research directed toward the increase of knowledge, the primary aim being a greater knowledge or understanding of the subject under study. See also research.
Dictionary of Military and Associated Terms. US Department of Defense 2005.
References in periodicals archive ?
"India has not had any Nobel Laureate for basic research in the last 70 years.
He also plans to promote the National Integrated Basic Research Agenda (Nibra) as NRCP's research roadmap.
The participants from Liaquat University of Medical and Health Sciences, Isra University, Bhittai Medical and Dental College interacted with the speakers in the questions session and developed a comprehensive understanding of basic research and scientific studies.
A critical element is ensuring that the basic research activity is integrated into the rest of the enterprise.
What Ridley fails to recognize is that the theoretical underpinnings of these inventions may be the result of earlier basic research that had no particular intended practical application; that its significance was completely unsuspected when it was conducted.
First Place Medal of Distinction for Basic Research
The two organisations have agreed to share information and hold regular discussions in order to collaborate and transition findings from basic research to clinical research and development activities, leveraging the strengths of both parties.
The "R" in R&D is broadly divided into applied research and basic research. The latter is also called fundamental, pure, or curiosity research.
Richard Sacra has not only come home but has also apparently recovered prompted me to reflect on the fact that an emerging treatment for Ebola virus infection has roots in basic research done here.
On the contest results, Russian Foundation for Basic Research will provide grant for work on the project only in 2014.

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