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n.1.A soldier belonging to the irregular troops of the Turkish army.
Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary, published 1913 by G. & C. Merriam Co.
References in periodicals archive ?
The regular Ottoman Army and irregular bashi-bazouk units brutally suppressed the rebels, resulting in a public outcry in Europe, with many famous intellectuals condemning the Ottoman atrocities and supporting the oppressed Bulgarian population.
You stepped on the loose belt of our bashi-bazouk that is ruling with Macedonia.
It is a classical bashi-bazouk, a parallel authority, without command, a criminal paramilitary army, collecting special taxes.
The uprising started, but was quelled by the Ottoman authorities as detachments of regular and irregular Ottoman troops (bashi-bazouks) were mobilized and attacked the first insurgent towns as early as April 25th.