ant hill

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ant hill

1. (Zoology) Also called: ant heap a mound of soil, leaves, etc, near the entrance of an ants' nest, carried and deposited there by the ants while constructing the nest
2. (Zoology) a mound of earth, usually about 2 metres high, built up by termites in forming a nest
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014

ant hill

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ant hill

Collins Italian Dictionary 1st Edition © HarperCollins Publishers 1995
References in classic literature ?
He had swept it out of existence, as it seemed, without any provocation, as a boy might crush an ant hill, in the mere wantonness of power.
Among the 12 returning designs are an 8-foot-long dragonfly, a nearly life-size family of deer, a hummingbird drinking nectar from a trumpet flower, and an ant hill with mosaic face cutouts that allow visitors to play the part of the insects.
The mushrooms were gifted to them by Manuela's cousin, who picked them from an ant hill.
Place tin cans over the ant hill This should be done in the morning.
Nothing happens in Paradise, and nothing happens in Hell, either, and what motive moves secretly out there beyond the margin, beyond the page, the screen, unseen and gradual; what if the bomb goes off in your narrative, kicks over your ant hill in the name of reality, in the name of truth, in the name of some God who promises to absolve you of this hideous lockstep ...
Mike Ashley of course has previous when it comes to throwing the proverbial lit cigarette into an ant hill.
Picture ten year old Mu riding bareback across the "nearly four meters above the African grasslands," or sleeping soundly, without fear, in an oversized deserted ant hill, with the howling of hyenas, and the snarling of a lioness, guarding her cubs in the background.
Seeing the insides of hoover bags, computer servers and, of course, an ant hill, makes for some spectacular visuals.
"They can bite, but if they do they will just leave a small red mark which may be a bit itchy." Tips to get rid of the bugs include spraying them with dishwashing soap, catching them with sticky tape and pouring boiling water over the ant hill.
It's really light, and I like the atrium design - it reminds me of a giant ant hill."