
Related to an't: ain't


contraction of
1. a rare variant spelling of aren't
2. dialect a variant spelling of ain't
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014
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Don't you be afraid of hurting him; you an't going to do that."
"Now, it an't necessary to say to a man like you, engaged in your business, which is a business of trust and requires a person to be wide awake and have his senses about him and his head screwed on tight (I had an uncle in your business once)--it an't necessary to say to a man like you that it's the best and wisest way to keep little matters like this quiet.
If she an't a Christian and an angel, there never was one.
I broke out crying and begging pardon, and hugged Joe round the neck: who dropped the poker to hug me, and to say, "Ever the best of friends; an't us, Pip?
"And she an't over partial to having scholars on the premises," Joe continued, "and in partickler would not be over partial to my being a scholar, for fear as I might rise.
(waving his hand, and still walking up and down as before), replied, 'No you an't. You're none o' my raising.
It's a good deal tried, poor creetur, at the best of times; for when it DOES get hold of a pleasant whiff or so (which an't too often) it's generally from somebody else's dinner, a-coming home from the baker's.'
come in!' growled John to somebody without; 'You're a Protestant, an't you?'
Why, the worst-looking cheat in all this town who gets the value of eighteenpence under false pretences, an't half such a cheat as this sign-post of The Casby's Head here!'
It is very likely, an't please your worship, that I should bullock him?
'Recollect, you an't worth powder and shot, but I'll be even with you one way or another.'
An't that as nat'ral as walking, and as good for the health?