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 (skwŏn′tō) Originally Ti·squan·tum (tĭ-skŏn′təm) Died 1622.
Wampanoag Native American who helped the English colonists in Massachusetts by teaching them agricultural techniques and serving as an interpreter.
American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth Edition. Copyright © 2016 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.
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With an apparent nod to Slotkin's "marginal fusionist" condemnation, in "Splitting the Earth: First Utterances and Pluralist Separatism" (2006), Jace Weaver, with little recourse to supporting facts or justifications, made an offhand but venomous attack on Bonnin as a willing and traitorous tool of transplanted white society, comparing her to both Squanto and Pocahontas.
Caption: Squanto teaching the Pilgrims to plant corn in Massachusetts
The amazing circumstance through which the Pilgrims encountered the English-speaking Squanto amongst the Wampanoag survivors speaks powerfully to the importance of diversity, inclusion, and loving "thy neighbor." Squanto taught the Pilgrims how to cultivate the most successful crops for this region: beans, maize, and squash.
A couple, Le-a Brings Plenty and Squanto, help raise them.
A Native American named Squanto, who spoke fluent English (because he had spent five years in England as a slave, before returning to America), taught them to raise corn, by using fish for fertilizer.
When the Pilgrims had Thanksgiving they invited Squanto and other Indians.
Sure, there are certain things that come to mind: the Battle of Wounded Knee, Sacagawea, Squanto, Pocahontas, The Trail of Tears.
Once there, life was difficult, but with the sustenance left behind by a decimated Indian tribe and the help of Squanto, some of the Pilgrims survived.
Anyone who can find someone to fill the job will get the coveted role of Squanto in the Thanksgiving pageant.