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A unit of area equivalent to 100 square feet. It has historically been used to measure real estate in Australia.
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References in classic literature ?
The warrior sprang forward and leaped into the square occupied by U-Dor's piece.
To abandon the square was to lose it to his opponent and win for himself ignoble and immediate death before the jeering populace.
One can fancy the pangs with which Miss Osborne in her solitude in Russell Square read the Morning Post, where her sister's name occurred every now and then, in the articles headed "Fashionable Reunions," and where she had an opportunity of reading a description of Mrs.
These people and their like gave the pompous Russell Square merchant pompous dinners back again.
"I purposely avoided," says Square, "drawing a conclusion which I thought evident from what I have said; but if you perceived it, I am sure you have not attempted to answer it.
"No one could trust that Crooked Magician, for instance, just because he is crooked; but a square Woozy couldn't do anything crooked if he wanted to."
"I am neither square nor crooked," said Scraps, looking down at her plump body.
"We are very well aware of that, since nothing but the square itself has been left for us."
"You are mistaken, monsieur; the square belongs to me, as well as the houses in it."
At the two-yard peg she faced round, and said, 'A pawn goes two squares in its first move, you know.
The French entered the gates and began pitching their camp in the Senate Square. Out of the windows of the Senate House the soldiers threw chairs into the Square for fuel and kindled fires there.
A town built of wood, where scarcely a day passes without conflagrations when the house owners are in residence and a police force is present, cannot help burning when its inhabitants have left it and it is occupied by soldiers who smoke pipes, make campfires of the Senate chairs in the Senate Square, and cook themselves meals twice a day.