
(redirected from square accounts)
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a. a regular client or customer, esp a firm that purchases commodities on credit
b. an area of business assigned to another
2. on account
a. on credit
b. as partial payment
3. settle or square accounts with to pay or receive a balance due
Collins Discovery Encyclopedia, 1st edition © HarperCollins Publishers 2005


An established relationship between a user and another entity such as a computer, website or financial organization. See user account, guest account and account number.
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References in periodicals archive ?
After the threshing season, a settling-up date was set when a final business meeting was held to square accounts. At that meeting, the treasurer presented each member with his threshing bill and made the adjustments necessary to equalize discrepancies in the amounts of labor furnished by each member during the season.
Punters with Blue Square accounts may be interested to know they are resurrecting their `Free Kick back' promotion for the game at the Bridge.