square brackets

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Brackets ( [ ] ), sometimes known as square brackets, are similar to parentheses in that they are used to contain information that does not impact the overall grammatical structure of the sentence. However, rather than indicating information that is supplemental or incidental, brackets are usually used within quoted speech to indicate that a writer has added material to the quotation to provide clarifying or explanatory information.
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square brackets

, parentheses, braces - Square brackets were formerly called crotchets, round brackets are commonly called parentheses, and curly brackets are called braces; the punctuation called brackets derives from the bookshelf type, implying that, in writing, these marks "lift up" a section of a sentence.
See also related terms for punctuation.
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References in periodicals archive ?
One other notable contribution of the translator-editor is the rendition (signalled by the square brackets) into the target language of the examples in English that Sapir uses to illustrate a theory or make a point: lexical units, morphological elements, syntactic structures, pronunciation of some words or phonemes; some may seem superfluous, an unnecessary load to the apparatus, but without them comprehension by the linguist with less than extensive knowledge of English would be frustrated, if not hindered altogether.
But at a few places, where no account by Ghalib was available, Khalid Nadeem used some authentic sources and has put those words into square brackets so as to distinguish it from Ghalib's own words.
"Frankly I was pleasantly surprised that we could actually put it all down in a single document, albeit with lots of square brackets and they are not necessarily reconcilable yet," he said.
Even the documentation selectively leaked by Sinn Fein shows square brackets thus demonstrating there was no agreement.
"Dad, did you just say 'square brackets citation needed'?" "No.
Square brackets mark newly added data in the bibliography.
To convert these time formats into duration formats, we just use square brackets. For example, [h]:mm displayed in Figure 1 shows the elapsed hours.
• cell.getFormula returns the formula with sheet name in square brackets and path to spreadsheet file
Hoerl 0.31 * 0.004 0.003 381.43 282.28 Model [0.29] Hoerl Model 0.27 0.007 0.000 391.64 305.20 [0.24] Gompertz 0.27 0.097 0.049 441.58 339.29 [0.24] * Significant at 5% level ** Significant at 1% level RMSE : Root Mean Square Error MAE : Mean Absolute Error Values in brackets () indicate standard errors Values in square brackets [] indicate Adjusted [R.sup.2] Table 2.
Square brackets denoting different text options had been reduced by 75 percent, Fabius said.