square foot

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Related to square foot: square root
ThesaurusAntonymsRelated WordsSynonymsLegend:
Noun1.square foot - a unit of area equal to one foot by one foot square
area unit, square measure - a system of units used to measure areas
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References in classic literature ?
But he meant to find it, if he had to hunt every square foot of the valley inch by inch.
It was not till after dinner that I discovered some one had cut a square foot of velvet from the centre of my best camera-cloth.
Even the Sahara had its oases; but this frightful world gave no indication of containing a square foot of hospitable ground.
Hour after hour, day after day, year after year, it was fated that he should stand upon a certain square foot of floor from seven in the morning until noon, and again from half-past twelve till half-past five, making never a motion and thinking never a thought, save for the setting of lard cans.
Bradley made no reply but commenced a diligent examination of the walls and floor of the room, pressing over each square foot and tapping with his knuckles.
But I found it out by chance; and it's news that may concern you, Adam, else I'm a man that don't know a superficial square foot from a solid."
Every square foot of her decks was impressed indelibly on my brain, to the very grain and knots of the planks.
"Rentable Area" represents the number of square feet based on which office tenants pay annual rent per square foot. Every landlord advertises vacant space based on Rentable Area but Rentable Area is only an approximation of the size of the premises.
"We found economical ways to house a family of 12." Construction costs were $89 per square foot.
* The median asking rent for ground floor space in Midtown South increased 15.4 percent to $300 per square foot and the Westside rose 11.1 percent to $250 per square foot.
* Average Price per Square Foot increased 22.5% to $984 over the prior year quarter result of $803 and was up 1.4% above the $970 seen in the prior quarter.
Coupled with rising construction costs, these high purchase prices likely will result in strong upward pressure on warehouse/distribution rents, which currently average $6.49 per square foot in Northern New Jersey and $4.79 per square foot in Central New Jersey.