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(Albanian ˈʃkodər)
(Placename) a market town in NW Albania, on Lake Shkodër: an Illyrian capital in the first millennium bc. Pop: about 90 000 (2003 est). Italian name: Scutari
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014
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It was a two-hour drive up to Shkoder - historically known as Scutari or Scodra - a city in the Republic of Albania which is one of the most ancient in the Balkans and the fourth most populous city in the country.
En medio de esos conflictos, Venecia, ansiosa por salvar sus redes comerciales en el Mediterraneo y defraudada por la ausencia de socorro en 1477, rubrico, el 25 de enero de 1479, un tratado de paz con el sultan, por el que tuvo que ceder Scutari (Scodra, Shkoder), renunciar a Negroponte y Lemnos y comprometerse a pagar durante dos anos un tributo de cien mil ducados de oro (145), por mas que el pacto se presentara a los venecianos como un triunfo (146).
A basic requirement of the First League of Prizren, or Albanian League, which existed from 1878 to 1881, and which at the same time became the main political program for subsequent generations of Albanian political-national workers and ideologists, was that the four vilayets of Bitola, Ioanina, Scodra, and Kosovo (with Metohija) were to compose a single united "Albanian vilayet," or a greater Albania within the borders of the Ottoman Empire.