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Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary, published 1913 by G. & C. Merriam Co.
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Please to don't tell nobody 'bout it sah, er ole Mars Silas he'll scole me;
L'auteur leve le voile sur l'origine des scoles privses juives, une histoire tout en rebondissements, ou affrontements, nsgociations, accords et dissensions ont progressivement amens le systeme sducatif que l'on connait aujourd'hui.
The Italian reads: 'ed in quelle cose che non pareranno convenienti sia licito a ciascun contradire, come nelle scole de' filosofi a chi tien conclusioni'.
After a reference to the Scole investigation as evidence for survival, Emily writes that I made "no mention of Batcheldor or of his suggestion that the success of his sitter groups in generating physical phenomena ...
Needham, Mass.: Sloan Center for Online Education (SCOLE) (2004)
Only men could become full members in the scole verberatorum of S.
Although he gives it a clear moral slant, Genius interprets it in this way at 7:1630-40: "Ther mai a man the Scole liere / Of Rhetoriqes eloquences / ...
Leigh Trevail, The Cottage, Bridge Road, Scole, Diss, Norfolk IP21 4DPI WAS delighted to see a photograph of myself in Mersey Memories (October 29).
Home, Eusapia Palladino, Florence Cook, Stella Cranshaw, Mina Crandon, Helen Duncan, and Indridi Indridason (whom Fontana calls "Indrid"), and he ends with a long summary of an investigation in which he participated, that of the Scole circle.
The Overall at Duns Castle went to the registered large breed in hand and Hopelaws Challenge Mountain & Moorland Champion, Scole Rhian.
EYEING GLORY sCole's congratulated by Dirk Kuyt after scoring in 5-0 win over Birmingham