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Shkodër (shkōˈdər) or Scutari (sko͞oˈtərē), Serbo-Croatian Skadar, anc. Scodra, city (1989 est. pop. 80,200), capital of Shkodër dist., NW Albania, at the outlet of Lake Scutari. It is a market center in a fertile agricultural area that produces a variety of crops. Shkodër is the industrial and cultural center of N Albania and has industries that manufacture cement, textiles, tobacco products, foodstuffs, and metal and leather goods. It is also an important fishing center. An ancient Illyrian capital, Shkodër became (168 B.C.) a Roman colony, passed to Byzantium, and was conquered by the Serbs in the 7th cent. A.D. Until the fall of Serbia in the late 14th cent., Shkodër was the seat of the princes of Zeta (i.e., Montenegro), who pledged it to Venice in return for a subsidy in the war against Turkey. However, it was captured by Sultan Muhammad II in 1479. Shkodër, known under Turkish rule as Iskenderiye, was the seat of a pashalik. The pashas, often chosen from among Montenegrin renegades, fought for centuries against their Albanian neighbors. Montenegrin troops occupied (1913) Shkodër in the Balkan Wars, but the European powers assigned the city to newly independent Albania. There was fighting in the city during World War I. Shkodër was made a Roman Catholic archdiocese in 1867. The city has a large bazaar and is dominated by a citadel built by the Venetians. It has a Catholic cathedral and several mosques.
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The following article is from The Great Soviet Encyclopedia (1979). It might be outdated or ideologically biased.



a city in Albania, on Lake Scutari. Administrative center of the rrethi (district) of Shkodër Population, more than 60,000 (1975). A landing on Lake Scutari, Shkodër is linked by highway with the cities of Tirana and Durrës and with Titograd, Yugoslavia. Shkodër’s industry includes ferrous metallurgy, food processing, and tobacco production as well as the manufacture of cement, wood products, paper, textiles, and leather products. The ruins of the 14th-century citadel of Rozafat are located in Shkodër.

The Great Soviet Encyclopedia, 3rd Edition (1970-1979). © 2010 The Gale Group, Inc. All rights reserved.
References in periodicals archive ?
According to the programs of both Albanian leagues, that is of Prizren and Ipek (Pec), a new Albanian either autonomous province within the Ottoman Empire or ultimately independent state had to consist of four principalities: (i) Southern Albania with Epirus and the city of Ioanina, (ii) Northern and Central Albania with the areas around Scodra (Scutari), Tirana (Tirane), and Elbasan, (iii) Macedonia with the cities of Debar, Skopje, Gostivar, Prilep, Veles, Bitola, and Ohrid, and (iv) Ancient Serbia (Kosovo and Metohija, Raska/Sandzak, and Vardar Macedonia) with the cities/towns of Prizren, Gnjilane, Pec, Dakovica, Mitrovica, Pristina, Kumanovo, Novi Pazar, and Sjenica.
In the 1870's the Muslim-oriented League of Prizren and the Christian-oriented Congress of Scodra declared their common ethnic origin, compared to which their religious differences were not important.