

n.1.(Biochem.) the process of testing samples of mixtures which are active in a screening process, so as to recognize and eliminate from consideration those active substances already studied; - a stage subsequent to the preliminary screening in the process of discovery of new pharmacologically active substances in mixtures of natural products; - also called counterscreening. See screening.
Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary, published 1913 by G. & C. Merriam Co.
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After quality filtering and dereplication of identical sequences, 8,483 reads were retained from the water samples collected during vegetative stage and 7,348 reads were retained from samples collected during the reproductive stage.
Wang, "Dereplication of known nucleobase and nucleoside compounds in natural product extracts by capillary electrophoresis-high resolution mass spectrometry," Molecules, vol.
Dereplication is a process used in recognising and eliminating the active substances that have already been studied in the early stage of the screening process [4].
Crotti, "Electrospray ionization tandem mass spectrometry as a tool for the structural elucidation and dereplication of natural products: an overview," in Tandem mass spectrometry: applications and principles, J.
Methods: While exploring the bioactive secondary metabolites, a sensitive and reliable LC-MS based dereplication approach was applied to identify four compounds A-D from fungal extract.
UPLC-MS technique is very power full technique which help us in identifying compounds with satisfactory knowledge for efficient dereplication. It has several advantages over conventional HPLC-MS which includes quality of results, efficiency, speed, resolution, sensitivity, pressure limit, versatility of solvents used and column chemistry.
Based on the microscopic and cultural characteristics, 54 different actinomycete isolates were selected after dereplication of 18 isolates.
Gamble et al., "Evolving strategies for the selection dereplication and prioritization of antitumor and HIV-inhibitory natural products extracts," in Bioassay Methods in Natural Product Research and Drug Development, L.
The MALDI Biotyper family of systems provides molecular detection, as well as taxonomical classification or dereplication of microorganisms such as bacteria, yeasts and fungi, using proteomic fingerprinting by high-throughput MALDI-TOF mass spectrometry.