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tr.v. de·rec·og·nized, de·rec·og·niz·ing, de·rec·og·niz·es
To rescind formal, especially diplomatic recognition of: a proposal to derecognize the outlaw terrorist state.

de·rec′og·ni′tion (-nĭsh′ən) n.
American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth Edition. Copyright © 2016 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.


(diːˈrɛkəɡˌnaɪz) or


vb (tr)
1. (Industrial Relations & HR Terms) to cease to recognize (a trade union) as having special negotiating rights within a company or industry
2. (Industrial Relations & HR Terms) to advise (a trade union) of such action
ˌderecogˈnition n
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014


Past participle: derecognized
Gerund: derecognizing

I derecognize
you derecognize
he/she/it derecognizes
we derecognize
you derecognize
they derecognize
I derecognized
you derecognized
he/she/it derecognized
we derecognized
you derecognized
they derecognized
Present Continuous
I am derecognizing
you are derecognizing
he/she/it is derecognizing
we are derecognizing
you are derecognizing
they are derecognizing
Present Perfect
I have derecognized
you have derecognized
he/she/it has derecognized
we have derecognized
you have derecognized
they have derecognized
Past Continuous
I was derecognizing
you were derecognizing
he/she/it was derecognizing
we were derecognizing
you were derecognizing
they were derecognizing
Past Perfect
I had derecognized
you had derecognized
he/she/it had derecognized
we had derecognized
you had derecognized
they had derecognized
I will derecognize
you will derecognize
he/she/it will derecognize
we will derecognize
you will derecognize
they will derecognize
Future Perfect
I will have derecognized
you will have derecognized
he/she/it will have derecognized
we will have derecognized
you will have derecognized
they will have derecognized
Future Continuous
I will be derecognizing
you will be derecognizing
he/she/it will be derecognizing
we will be derecognizing
you will be derecognizing
they will be derecognizing
Present Perfect Continuous
I have been derecognizing
you have been derecognizing
he/she/it has been derecognizing
we have been derecognizing
you have been derecognizing
they have been derecognizing
Future Perfect Continuous
I will have been derecognizing
you will have been derecognizing
he/she/it will have been derecognizing
we will have been derecognizing
you will have been derecognizing
they will have been derecognizing
Past Perfect Continuous
I had been derecognizing
you had been derecognizing
he/she/it had been derecognizing
we had been derecognizing
you had been derecognizing
they had been derecognizing
I would derecognize
you would derecognize
he/she/it would derecognize
we would derecognize
you would derecognize
they would derecognize
Past Conditional
I would have derecognized
you would have derecognized
he/she/it would have derecognized
we would have derecognized
you would have derecognized
they would have derecognized
Collins English Verb Tables © HarperCollins Publishers 2011
ThesaurusAntonymsRelated WordsSynonymsLegend:
Verb1.derecognize - cause to be no longer approved or accepted; "Carter derecognized Taiwan in 1979 after the U.S. recognized the People's Republic of China"
Based on WordNet 3.0, Farlex clipart collection. © 2003-2012 Princeton University, Farlex Inc.
References in periodicals archive ?
So when a learning outcome reads 'account for,' it means that students are expected to recognize, measure, present/disclose and derecognize certain elements.
TRAI last month notified Indian telecom firms it could give them six months notice to "derecognize" devices from their networks if they do not support government approved anti-spam apps, the report added.
"Provided that where such devices do not permit functioning of such Apps as prescribed in regulations 6(2)(e) and regulations 23(2)(d), access providers shall, on the order or direction of the authority, derecognize such devices from their telecom networks."
"Every Access Provider shall ensure, within six months' time, that all smart phone devices registered on its network support the permissions required for the functioning of such Apps as prescribed in the regulations 6(2)(e) and regulations 23(2)(d).Provided that where such devices do not permit functioning of such Apps as prescribed in regulations 6(2)(e) and regulations 23(2)(d), access providers shall, on the order or direction of the authority, derecognize such devices from their telecom networks," reads TRAI's directive.
But the problem with the left, Mouffe rightly claims, is that they completely derecognize the role of affect in their articulation of politics as they obstinately affirm that any attempt to awaken passions is 'something that [only] the fascist right does' (p66).
Benjamin Netanyahu, Israeli Prime Minister, called on the international community to derecognize the Unity Palestinian Government.
Although GAAP does not allow businesses to generally derecognize liabilities until the liability has been relieved, there is a special exception dealing with gill cards.
The aviation minister, Vayalar Ravi, pressured the management to derecognize the union.
GAAP, derecognize the loans while not being required to consolidate the QSPE's financial statements with its own, thanks to a provision that exempts QSPEs from having to be consolidated with their beneficiaries (i.e., holders of securities issued by the QSPEs).