

to eliminate risk (from)
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014
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Applied BioMath, a company involved in applying systems and mechanistic modelling, simulation, and analysis to accelerate and de-risk drug research and development, has named Alison Betts as its new senior director of Scientific Collaborations and fellow of Modeling & Simulation, it was reported yesterday.
de Guzman was quoted in the statement as saying that the government is addressing the shortage of risk information in the country in order to de-risk investments.
"Diversify and de-risk the loan book is still in focus.
"On the oil side", he added, "we are starting to de-risk shale plays like oil plays, and as we continue to de-risk those plays, we will also de-risk shale gas plays.
Lotus Capital Partners, an independent real estate investment bank led by Faisal Ashraf, has launched a loan sale and distribution business that will serve lenders and investors looking to de-risk and leverage their positions in whole loans, A-notes, and mezzanine debt.
These represent costs (or expenditures) that would be incurred by the Lebanese government to de-risk (or uptake the risk) from the investors.
The growing burden of international regulation is causing many banks to de-risk - i.e., lower their risk by cutting off or reducing business with certain types of customers - with serious consequences for different customer segments who find themselves denied access to financial services.
An external de-risk occurs when an entity other than the plan becomes the bearer of the risk associated with providing retirement income to the beneficiary.
When definitive documentation is signed, it will include details of the commercial terms that reflect Cabo Verde Capital's business practices, which are built on a platform of de-risk and exit strategy in their projects through lease agreements.
This event will map out the regions connections, demonstrate how wider networks provide more opportunities, how they can de-risk trade activity and speed up market entry through existing relationships.