

1.Seen; appearing.
2.Decked or adorned; clad.
3.Accomplished; versed.
Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary, published 1913 by G. & C. Merriam Co.
Mentioned in ?
References in classic literature ?
That is the Lady of the lake, said Merlin; and within that lake is a rock, and therein is as fair a place as any on earth, and richly beseen, and this damsel will come to you anon, and then speak ye fair to her that she will give you that sword.
As the lyrics "The role you made me play / Of the fool, no, I don'tlike you / I don't like your perfect crime" played, Taylor could beseen lying in a bath of jewels.
Sandra Benbow, BESEEN at Aston University; Andrew Ward, Scorchsoft; Julie Stonall, Graduate Advantage.
Fairfield (ECHO, driveinSeftonPark beseen for somedistancebefore drop into them.
'The tears just flow.' Sarah is leaving Casualty in April, but will continue to beseen in the drama until the summer.
# Sidney Nolan: A Personal View can beseen at the School of Art Gallery, University of Wales, Aberystwyth, until March 21.
Urbanite (, San Mateo, Calif., the first company to syndicate online communities to media and portal sites, has partnered with Looksmart to offer its Beseen members free homepages and personal web site development tools.
Whether this would deter the 1.5 million learners who sat tests last year remains to beseen.
Once Jefferies had left his team he calmed down a bit but the anger was still there to beseen.
We don't need to spend a fortune, all we want is to see the neglected Harthill area used and the Botanical Collection where it can beseen by the public.