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Synonyms for beseechingly

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References in classic literature ?
The old King looked at the little Fairy, and saw how lovingly the bright shadows gathered round her, as if to shield her from every harm; the timid birds nestled in her bosom, and the flowers grew fairer as she looked upon them; while her gentle friends, with tears in their bright eyes, folded their hands beseechingly, and smiled on her.
"My love," he said, shaking his head as she looked beseechingly at him, "I have too much Manchester cotton in my constitution for long idylls.
Whether you are a nurse, clinical officer, doctor, or even more pertinent the heavily sought after translator, beseechingly, take time to instil much needed health literacy.
Trump looked at Putin beseechingly, as if the Russian leader had something he yearned for.
globalist policies--and reaching out beseechingly to all the elements of the Democrats' coalition of the ascendant.
She looks beseechingly at Corporal Douchebag, who wanders over to shut him down.
Here Pakistani policymakers fumbled, when in response to the illicit US-India deal of 2005, they beseechingly asked for the same deal, tantamount to validating it.
He had read one and been disturbed by the references to rosebud nipples tilted beseechingly upwards.
You yourself said that the chimp experiments would never be enough, that we had a duty to provide this knowledge, once we knew we could, and you understood that." Colby leaned forward over the desk, one hand laid beseechingly toward mine on its surface.
The intruder now raises his rifle, and the man in the shirt and tie instinctively reacts, looks up, and raises his open hands beseechingly while moving backward pleading "Ed, Ed" at the intruder.
v; dn; dn = 51 (at v; dn, dn = 10) E.g., beseech 1175, beseechingly 1830 (11), beseechingness 1863 (12) vs.
She gazes beseechingly or fearfully at the viewer, and represents one pole of the dialectic between freedom and fragility that this Asheville-based artist proposes.
e next time we saw her face, it was plastered on telegraph poles, "Have you seen Amber Bailey?" the legend, as she smiled beseechingly out at passers-by.
As he stands under a street sign pointedly labeled Misericordia (Latin for mercy), Julio looks beseechingly up at the window where, every so often, he thinks he sees Ligaya.
Among the visual scenes stored in my memory is the moment when Mom looked up beseechingly into the eyes of her revered doctor after he gently delivered his prognosis on a Friday afternoon: "Are you saying ...