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References in periodicals archive ?
Manama, Dhu-AlHijjah 16, 1436, September 30, 2015, SPA -- Prince Salman bin Hamad Al Khalifa, Crown Prince, Deputy Supreme Commander and the First Deputy Prime Minister of Bahrain, confirmed that his country rejects all attempts to exploit Mina stampede incident for unjustified ends, beseeching the God to grant the victims of this tragic incident His mercy.
Man on the mattress on the floor is beseeching the brown Yellow
This remarkable philosophical work also includes Henning's formal "obligation of beauty," beseeching each of us "to always act in such a way so as to bring about the greatest possible universe of beauty, value, and importance that in each situation is possible."
Incidentally, before sending her tweet, the 26-year-old actress re-tweeted a message from the Red Cross beseeching followers to review family emergency plans.
I did that all through June, July, and August, spending hour after hour beseeching the Lord.
ISLAMABAD, July 18, 2011 (Frontier Star): PML-N leader, Siddiqui-al-Farooq has said that Benazir Bhutto had gone into exiles during 1978 and 1998 after discreetly beseeching pardons from Gen Zia-ul-Haq's and Mian Nawaz Sharif respectively.
Soaking wet, drops of water clinging to her eyelashes, Her bedraggled hair, Her drenched clothes clinging to her, Her eyes beseeching me, I called out to her to bring her home with forgiveness In my heart, She disappeared into shadows of inky darkness, It was as if she swelled in shadow, My heartbeat overpowered my mind, For love was not enough, I lay in darkness, in a house that was once a home, A house of dreams, Yet I could not turn back the clock, nor turn my nightly Dream into my wished for reality!
It seemed that no amount of prayers or beseeching God, or even letters to the council could alter this bone jarring tooth rattling situation.
When possible, we can offer physical help and we can all pray - beseeching God to help those for whom life is so unfair.
In other words, every time we say the Our Father, we are beseeching God to make life on Earth exactly the same as we believe it to be in Heaven, where love and respect for each other and peace and harmony continuously permeate every single aspect of everyday life.
Beseeching you also that if I have offended you, you will give me the same absolution for which you ask; henceforth my heart will be dedicated to you alone, and wishing that my body was so too.
Families of victims gathered at the gutted, charred club to take part in Buddhist prayers, beseeching the spirits of the dead to make their way back home.
Scholars and community activists called for more research on cooperatives in response to a Department of Agriculture hearing in September, beseeching officials to study urban and worker-owned co-ops among different racial groups.
Women and men, they play a strange game, Asking, beseeching: "Please sign your name." For the erudite fellow they brook not a quibble, But firmly insist on a piece of his scribble.