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This is a complete rebalance of the weapons in NV and TTW to create a cohesively balanced system, which takes more time for progression and substantially diminishes the degree to which later weapons completely eclipse earlier ones.

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This is a complete rebalance and re-integration of all of the weapons and ammo in TTW.

SWEEP is going to be a STARS-style AIO balance/integration plugin for all of the weapon mods across the Nexus that I like - this is the "vanilla weapons" only version of what that file will be. That file will be dramatically different than this one, and require more than a hundred weapon mods from across the Nexus. This version of that project is one for people who don't want to deal with all those requirements, but want my balancing, especially as it relates to my other mods.

This file is currently TTW only - there will be an NV-only version coming once I've completed a playthrough with this and am satisfied with the state of it.
Core Design Philosophy:
I once heard someone recite a quote from Sid Meier - "A video game is an interesting set of decisions." I agree with this wholeheartedly, particularly in the case of RPGs, and the experience that I enjoy most in video games is the sensation of overcoming a legitimately difficult challenge, by utilizing a set of interesting and varied tools and decisions, rather than by exclusively perfecting my performance, or exploiting facets of a game's structure or bugs.
In my opinion, botch vanilla NV and TTW, have a lot of balance issues that inhibit the variety and appeal of player choice and expression.

What is "bad" decision design/balancing?
Imagine if the Debug Mega-Pistol (for those unaware, there's a 9mm pistol in the game's files that kills anything in a single hit, which is used for debug testing) could be found in-game in all playthroughs, in the room that you start in, along with an armor that makes you invulnerable. If you pick up and use them 100% of the time, the game has no challenge, and it's basically just a theme park. The decisions presented to you would merely be aesthetic.
Having a completely overpowered option evaporates the degree to which the presented choices are interesting - it creates a "correct" decision, where every other decision available is statistically worse, and the only reason to make the other choices is for aesthetics, and I don't believe that the dichotomy between an aesthetic preference and a statistically all-around better choice is an interesting decision.

Why are you bringing this up?
In vanilla NV/TTW, there are lots of times where a weapon of a certain caliber will be completely invalidated by a weapon of the same caliber in the next weapon tier. For example, the .357 Revolver is pretty much completely eclipsed by the Cowboy Repeater as soon as you can get your hands on one - it has a higher capacity, a 23% increase in damage-per-hit, it has almost the exact same DPS, and it's 16x more accurate. As a result, there's basically no reason to stick with the revolver once you can get a repeater, other than a few perk effects and the slower movement speed while holding an unholstered two-handed weapon. To me, that makes it not a "choice" - all factors considered, the rifle is just better. One could, of course, just elect to stick with the revolver and disregard the statistical superiority of the rifle, but I feel that that's ignoring the game design, and not engaging with it. I believe that this situation is easy to ameliorate with careful and considerate design decisions.

What is the alternative?
My main goal with this project is to create a balancing structure that provides some kind of mechanically consequential and appealing reason to potentially stick with pretty much any weapon in the game. I prefer to have later tier weapons provide more potential than earlier tier weapons, or have more cost-of-entry/maintenance necessities than their "predecessors", to balance out the appeal of the decisions between various weapons.
For example, I've set up the Chinese Assault Rifle to offer a small boost in damage and crit. damage, as well as a moderate increase in limb damage and fire rate over the base Assault Rifle, but it's spread is notably higher, it's crit. chance is lower, and it's health is lower. You'll have to repair it more often, and it won't be as effective at longer ranges, so you may choose to stick with the standard AR instead of ditching it in favor of the Chinese AR.
To return to the .357 example I used above, I've arranged the Revolver to fire substantially faster and have higher health than the Repeater - it's DPS is better, but it's precision is lacking. If you aren't inclined toward maximum precision and ammo efficiency, there's plenty of reason to stick with the revolver rather than switching to the repeater.
Unique weapons do generally offer a "better" version of their base model - to a degree. Many are better all around, but often times their strengths aren't as pronounced as the base version has the potential for, or their weaknesses may be more pronounced. For example, a unique may handle faster than it's base version, but have less health, or it may have better damage/spread, but with a lower maximum clip capacity than the modded version of it's base model. A good example of this being handled well in the base game is the Dinner Bell, which is statistically superior to the Hunting Shotgun - except that the standard version can have an Extended Tube, which gives it 33% more maximum capacity than the Dinner Bell, which some players might find more appealing.

Just about every weapon has undergone some degree of statistical rebalancing. Weapons will often show up at noticeably different times throughout the game, to suit their changes. Overall weapon progression is slower. TTW is a long experience, especially with mod-added content - giving you and your enemies access to the full range of weapons reduces build and content variety, as you're able to get straight to an end-game build and arsenal at around level 15 or 20, which is only a third of the way to TTW's level cap of 60.

  • Various unique weapons which previously used the base model regular model of a weapon which has modded models, have often had their models changed from basic versions to one of the various modded models.
  • OnHit severing/exploding of limbs and sound levels have been normalized per caliber and weapon type. Many low caliber weapons have been set to not explode or sever limbs, and limb severing has become much rarer.
  • VATS costs and base chance to hit have been cohesively balanced across the board, and they appropriately coordinate with non-VATS spread and attack speeds.
  • The selection of holdout weapons has been dramatically reduced, to increase the challenge in combat situations that restrict you to only having those weapons.
  • Some unique weapon names that I thought were dumb have been changed. (YCS/186 -> Mojave Sunset)
  • A built in weapon stat readout is provided, which can be used by pressing your "grab" key while a weapon is selected in the Pip-Boy. It will display every useful stat about the weapon, including things like critical multiplier/damage, spread, and more.
  • Weapon skill requirements are no longer at the 0/25/50/75/100 thresholds, as that was clumsy, it reduced build variation, and cultivated equivalences and tier placements that don't make any sense. They are instead at increments of 5 points, relative to how comparatively difficult it would be to use such a weapon in relation to the other weapons of it's skill type.
    The idea that a single-action .357 revolver would be just as easy to use as a 9mm/22LR, as it is in vanilla (0 skill required), is absolutely ridiculous. Further, you could teach a literal child to use a semi-auto 5.56 rifle or .22 SMG effectively - instead of arbitrarily giving later tier weapons ridiculous skill requirements, the availability of these weapons is adjusted instead.
  • Plasma projectile speeds have been increased.
  • Robots will no longer be affected by fire DOT.
  • The non-Zeta Cryo Grenade and Mine have been reworked into electric shock weapons, which don't do much damage, but cause a long paralysis of the target.
  • Cryo explosive paralysis duration has been increased moderately, but their DOT has been reduced somewhat.
  • 10mm, .45 Auto, and 5.56mm have had their damages changed dramatically.
    While there has been supposition that 10mm is intended to match irl .40 S&W, primarily due to its pathetic damage, the use of large pistol primer in its recipe is actually more evident of its being 10mm Auto, which is a very powerful round. The caliber has been overhauled to be very punchy, and a later game caliber. .45 Auto is actually only about 25% more powerful than 9mm, which is totally at odds with its vanilla balancing. It has been overhauled to be a common tier 1 weapon, offering a small increase in power over the 9mm, at cost of clip size and moderately higher spread. These two changes allow for more variety in early game handgun choice, while making 10mm a very respectable caliber for later on in the game, which aligns with the general Fallout theming of having overzealous calibers as a standard choice for military and civilian use. Similarly, 5.56 has been substantially buffed, as its standard vanilla balancing made it wildly underpowered for its irl stopping power.
  • All weapon projectiles have been changed to real projectiles with appropriate speed for their calibers, and hitscan has been removed completely.
DLC Integration:
  • All DLC integration has been handled here. That means GRA uniques have been given placements throughout the world, generic DLC weapons (including the Katana) have been distributed, pre-order weapons have been distributed, etc.
    You do not need, and should not use, any other GRA unique placement mod or DLC weapon distribution.
Weapon Locations:
  • The Paladin Toaster has been moved to a safe in a small building near the start of the Broken Steel Enclave AFB, in a room with a turret terminal.
  • The Weathered 10mm Pistol, Vault 13 Jumpsuit, Canteen, and key for the Smitty Special footlocker located in the back of the Wrecked Highwayman are on a body in the mouth of a cave near a few cazadores around the El Dorado Gas Station.
  • The Nuka-Breaker is located in F3's Nuka-Cola Plant's mixing area.
  • The Two-Step Goodbye, which has been renamed to the Pyroclastic Fist, is in a crate near the end of the Satellite Facility in Broken Steel.
  • The Bozar is located in Wheaton Armory.
  • Cleansing Flame is located outside at the Greener Pastures Disposal Site.
  • The MF Hyperbreeder is in a safe in Hell's Motel, locked by a key found in the toxic water outside of it.
  • The Spyrtel-Wood is in the Remnants Bunker.
  • Esther is in a locked crate in the Nellis Generator interior.
  • Lil' Devil is in the Fire Root Cavern.
  • Embrace of the Mantis King is at Spring Mt. Ranch State Park.
  • Pacencia is at the Cliffside Prospector Camp.
  • Medicine Stick is under the bed at The Aerie in Honest Hearts.
  • Sleepytyme is in Vault 11, in the final chamber.
  • Ashur has Gehenna.
  • Greased Lightning is in Nopah Cave.
  • Cass' Caravan Shotgun has had it's model changed to that of the Sturdy Caravan Shotgun.
  • Jericho has the Mercenary Grenade Rifle.
  • Fisto has been moved from it's absurdly early location to Evergreen Mills, near the "stripper pole" in the Bazaar area.
  • There is a Rapid-Cycle Plasma Pistol in a safe in Vault 108, with a nearby (hidden) key.
  • The Mauler and the Man Opener's locations/reward timing have been reversed, as the more powerful of the two was sitting on a bed, and the weaker one required turning in ingots.
Big Guns:
  • The restoration of Big Guns is a core facet of the design choices made here. I feel that it provides a broader range of build diversity, creativity in perks, and that it generally makes sense - knowing how to pull the pin on a grenade and throw it doesn't translate into knowing how to use a Grenade Machinegun, the skillset required to fire a 9mm Pistol wouldn't apply to firing a Minigun or Shoulder Mounted Machine Gun, and operating a Tesla Cannon is an entirely different beast than using a Plasma Pistol.
  • Additionally, it provides a more appropriate place for Flamers and their derivatives. I've always felt that it's strange to have them be Energy Weapons, since they're substantially different in their nature and operation.
  • Reintroducing Big Guns serves to enhance the appeal of the fancier ammo types for later-game play in other skills, rather than just moving up to heavier weaponry and never bothering to use any ammo types.
  • Care has been taken to ensure that Big Guns isn't an exclusively late-game or high-investment skill - there are many weapons which can be used at low skill levels and early in the game, like the Railway Rifle, Cryolator, Sawed-Off Shotgun, Scoped .44 Magnum, and Light Machinegun, among others. This includes handguns, rifles, shotguns among the very large weapons.
  • The Survival bobblehead in Fort Constantine, which was changed from being the Big Guns bobblehead in original F3, has been restored to Big Guns.
    I haven't placed the Survival bobblehead anywhere else yet. I intend to eventually.
  • For more Big Guns perks, see my perks mod.
    There is a Big Guns Reversion Patch that restores the Big Guns weapons to their previous skills types and relatively balanced skill levels. It does not alter their stats or placement in the game or availability in any way. As such, there are a number of weapons which will show up fairly early compared to their required skill level.
  • Melee and Unarmed weapons have a new stat: Bonus Head Damage.
  • This differs from the "Bonus Limb Damage" stat in that any hit that lands on a target's head will check for the melee/unarmed weapon's Max Spread stat (spread values affect nothing on such weapons, and the Max Spread stat is completely unused in NV entirely), and if it's greater than zero, the health damage dealt by the hit will be multiplied by (Max Spread - 1.0), and that value will be additionally dealt directly to the target's head via script. This allows things like Brass Knuckles and similar blunt weapons that should be better at dealing concussions than breaking ribs to have extra utility.
    Unfortunately, the game's capacity to figure out what limb you were aiming at with non-ranged weapons is bad, and I don't know if it can be improved. As such, this characteristic won't always be the most useful, but it does add a modicum of extra depth to some weapons' utility.
  • The Industrial Hand can now be used by NPCs.
    I believe the reason this was marked as player only is two-fold: NPCs will attack with punches sometimes, rather than always using the "hold-out" attack animation, and because the impact data set is very visually oppressive when the player is attacked with it. Neither of these is consequential enough to me to prohibit NPC usage.
  • The Cattle Prod no longer deals fatigue damage, instead performing an electric shock.
    Fatigue is a lackluster and poorly implemented mechanic in the game. There is a workaround implemented for the Beyond The Beef sequence with Carlyle St. Clair - hitting him with a cattle prod deals no damage and instantly knocks him out.
  • The Nuka-Breaker will impart a Sneak penalty when it's unholstered, since it's literally a big neon sign.
Ignore DT/DR Weapons:
  • The Yao Guai Gauntlet has had this trait removed, but it's damage increased.
  • The Two-Step Goodbye, which has been renamed to the Pyroclastic Fist and had it's crit. effect removed, has had this trait added.
  • The Auto Axe and Steel Axe and their variants have had the Ignore DT/DR trait added.
  • Chain weapons, such as the Ripper, Chainsaw, and Industrial Hand, as well as the motor Axes mentioned above, still completely pierce DT and DR, but they also now have unique characteristics that relate to the target's Damage Threshold:
  • When using such a weapon whose base damage is greater than the target's current DT, the weapon will deal +50% damage.
  • When using such a weapon whose base damage is less than the target's current DT, the weapon will suffer -100% crit. chance.
    This serves to allow for these weapons to have lower base damage, but stay absolutely vicious to lightly armored targets, while also reducing their capacity to completely delete highly armored targets like power-armored NPCs and robots, as it would reasonably be much harder to deal damage to these targets with something like a chainsaw.The Thermic Lance, Pyroclastic Fist, and Deathclaw Gauntlet are completely unaffected by this mechanic.
  • Some of the gamesettings which affect the bounciness and friction of grenades have been altered to make them more reliable and easy to use.
  • The "Fire Bomb" from Honest Hearts has been sublimated almost entirely into TTW's Molotov Cocktail. That's what you'll find in loot, that's what has a crafting recipe, and there's no base game facets that provide the Fire Bomb anymore.
  • TTW's implementation of the Molotov Cocktail created a massive radius and set everything inside of it on fire, which would frequently result in the player setting themselves on fire while using them at close range or indoors, even though the visualization of the fire explosion was much smaller than the radius where fire effects were applied. It is no longer an area-of-effect, fire damage-over-time type weapon that hits an enormous radius around it's impact location and applies burning effects. Instead, there is a small amount of damage done by the fire burst, but you have to actually hit a target to apply the burning effect to them. The sounds and visuals have also been overhauled to make more sense and look nicer. With these changes, the weapon can be used at any range without setting yourself completely on fire, and the weapon's cheap crafting cost allows it to be an effective single-target melter when you land a direct hit.
  • The Scotch label has been removed from the bottle, and it can be crafted with any empty bottle.
    The idea is that the label is being removed from each bottle during the crafting process, but this is obviously just to make it less of a pain to have the bottles to create the Molotov.
  • Fuse based throwable weapons like the Molotov and Dynamite now have a visible smoke trail, to make them easier to track in the air.
  • Throwable explosives which don't actually have a pin or string to pull now use an animation which just throws the weapon without pulling a phantom pin.
  • Pulse and plasma grenades explode on contact, and they have a visual effect on the projectile to indicate this clearly.
    This helps the pulse grenade a lot. However, it does arguably make the plasma grenade much more useful than the Frag Grenade - however, it does lose the utility of being able to bounce grenades around corners and such. I strongly recommend using the Stewie tweak to allow Frags to be cooked to help add more control for them.
  • Mines and grenades will be found in NPC inventories more often, making purchasing/disarming them less critical for Explosives characters.
  • The Nuka-Grenade from GRA has been completely reworked as a Toxic Grenade, and it deals strong poison and radiation damage, as well as a substantial debuff to Endurance and Health. It is crafted with Science, rather than Explosives.
  • The Flashbang has been radically improved. The regular stat penalty they impart has been expanded to cover more skills, and it worsens spread, AP cost, equip, movement, and reload speed, and crit. chance, as well as performing a formulaic check to damage the target's head and either: knock the target over, make them drop their weapon, or make them stagger.
  • Schematics have been almost completely disabled in favor of just having their recipes available as a standard. Too many of these weapons fit a makeshift weapon aesthetic that better suits the early game with some rebalancing, rather than locking them away for later on in the game. The schematics have generally had their placements in world replaced with the weapon that they coordinate with, often with a great deal of the supplies used to make them as well. The perk which provides all schematics has also been disabled.
  • There are a few exceptions:
  • The Nuka-Cocktail schematic is still rewarded by Sierra Petrovita, as it feels like an exceptionally fitting reward for her quest and a very complicated creation.
  • The Rock-It Launcher schematic is unchanged, cause it's bizarre and very unconventional. It's recipe will also show up without the schematic at Repair 75+.
  • The Bio-Gas schematic is untouched, as it's highly specialized and based on specific pre-war research which is very prominent in it's circumstance.
  • The Trench Knife recipe is completely disabled, cause it's stupid, and the weapon is distributed anyway.
  • These crafted weapons often have low durability, but they have generally had some or all of their component parts introduced into their repair lists.
NPC Weapons:
  • All nonplayable versions of playable weapons have had their stats normalized vs. the playable versions. All cases of bonus damage, like the swampfolk in PL, have been removed.
  • A selection of companion weapons have been switched to other types of weapons that fit their aesthetics better and increase variety.
  • Various factions have a broader selection of weapons.
  • Vanilla (and TTW in particular) faction weapon tiers often completely exchange their lower power weapons for increasingly powerful weapons as you level up. This has been adjusted to simply add more powerful weapons to the possibilities, rather than expunging the lower power weapons entirely.
  • Sentry bot weapons have been altered to more closely align with the regular versions.
  • PL Reaver thrown "grenades" have a much higher spread, and lower damage.
  • Turret weapons have been altered to scale more appropriately, with more appropriate sounds and fire rates.
  • Swampfolk weapon lists have been expanded heavily where possible.
  • Recharger weapon presence in NPC lists have been removed, as they perform visual reload animations and don't abide recharger ammo timing.
  • The Anchorage and unique Gauss Rifles penetrate through targets.
  • The Microwave Emitter now uses regular Small Energy Cells instead of Mesmetron Power Cells. It no longer does fire effects, instead dealing radiation and direct health damage. Firing it will irradiate you a little.
  • The Pulse Gun uses the Mesmetron projectile model. As such, it is no longer considered a "laser" weapon.
  • Energy weapons now use per-weapon type DT penetration instead of it being granted by the ammo type. (Special energy ammo types still convey a small amount of additional DT penetration.)
  • Pulse weapons will disperse any base game stealth effect, be it via a stealth boy or armor effect and severely damage the armor providing the stealth effect.
  • Pulse effects no longer deal less damage to OWB robots.
  • The regular LAER no longer deals EMP damage, it instead deals shock damage. Elijah's LAER still deals EMP damage.
  • The Arc Welder, and Shocker Power Fist, and Proton Axe no longer deal EMP damage either, instead dealing shock damage. The Inversal Proton Axe still deals EMP damage.
Sonic Emitters:
  • The visuals for the Sonic Emitters have been switched around to ones that I feel are more fitting for their names/effects.
  • Their EMP "damage type" has been removed.
  • The Opera Singer Sonic Emitter now does compounding head damage. The starting amount is a flat 10, and the damage increases as their head condition goes down. After 4 or fewer hits, the target's head will likely be crippled, and the weapon will deal 50 health damage to organic targets while the their head is crippled. The target's head will explode if it is crippled upon kill. It's projectile is very fast.
    Robots receive a flat 10 head damage at all times and no bonus damage while the head is crippled.
  • Revelation causes frenzy on crit.
  • Gabriel's Bark deals 50 flat head damage to non-robots, and 25 to robots.
  • Tarantula causes a large incendiary explosion on crit.
  • Robo-Scorpion is the only remaining Emitter that does EMP effects. To non-robots, it deals bonus electric damage.
  • Weapons which naturally should have had unique textures, but didn't, like the Steel Knuckles, have been given unique textures.
  • Miss Launcher can only use standard missiles.
    This is a shame, but unfortunately usage of the other ammo types makes the missiles fire normally instead of dropping like normal.
  • The MIRV no longer fires 8 nukes at once. It has been renamed to Atom Bomb Baby, and it's handling is 25% faster, while only firing one projectile.
    The original function doesn't make any sense.
  • The Red Victory Grenade Rifle has been moved to Nelson. The Great Bear is given as a reward by Ranger Ghost at the Mojave Outpost.
    Their original placements were dumb and useless. The Red Victory one can be freely taken without consequence, to allow Legion players to acquire it without stealing it.
  • The Alien Disintegrator has been made semi-automatic again, for compatibility with animation mods.
  • The standard/unique Drone Cannons, Destabilizer (unique alien rifle), and Electro-Suppressor (unique alien baton) will disperse the shields of any alien they hit.
  • The Drone Cannon, whose projectile functioned as a "mine" with a timer, has been altered to explode with a distance based "fuse" instead, though it will also explode on contact as well.
    This reduces the need for perfect precision and timing of projectile fuse with this weapon, which previously made the weapon very awkward to use.
  • A few weapons have been rechambered for better balance, a more interesting or useful role, or to flesh out certain calibers which don't have enough options.
  • The Chinese Pistol has been changed to use .32, with a much lower accuracy and health amount than the .32 Revolver. This provides a higher capacity weapon to use .32 with, and sidesteps the issue where it was previously just a lousier version of the 9mm pistol.
  • The .32 rifle has been switched to 5.56mm, which makes a bit more sense for a rifle, and it provides a highly accurate way to use 5.56mm in the early game, and it also provides another alternative for earlier use of 5.56mm instead of skipping straight to the assault rifle. This, in combination with the Chinese Pistol change, has also provided the opportunity to make .32 loot drops much larger, providing a good option for a caliber that can easily be mag-dumped in the early game without needing to worry about ammo conservation.
  • Vance's Submachinegun has been switched to .45, which creates a unique .45 weapon, and matches the original caliber of the "Grease Gun". This does result in the 9mm SMG not having a unique, but by the point in the game that you can get Vance's, the player likely has plenty of 9mm, and the drum mag's capacity increase is much more useful for DPS than the statistical changes provided by Vance's does when it's chambered in 9mm.
  • The SMMG has been changed to use 5.56mm and fire very quickly, to provide a high-cap, end-game option for 5.56mm that can dump damage on a target very quickly if you have a high stock of the ammo.
  • The Bozar has been changed to use .308, which makes it punchier and much more respectable in the end-game. It fires much slower, to allow for controlled ammo usage.
  • The combat shotgun has been changed to use 20 ga., which provides a high-cap option for it, increases the availability and use of 20ga. in DC, and differentiates it from the Riot Shotgun.
  • The Mesmetron's scripting has been altered, so as to more reliably not initiate combat with allied actors if you aren't detected by anyone two seconds after putting the collar on a target.
  • The Flashbang, Cattle Prod, Boxing Tape/Gloves, and Compliance Regulator no longer deal fatigue damage. Fatigue is a lackluster and poorly implemented system (without mod intervention it can be dealt to robots, most NPCs and creatures have a really low fatigue threshold, Flashbangs don't make much sense for dealing fatigue damage, when NPCs are knocked out they still blink, there are bugs associated with restoration of fatigue on the player in general and when you're knocked out, even when those bugs are fixed it takes frustratingly long to get back up, and there are bugs with how fatigue effects on ammo apply), so the fatigue effects of these weapons have been removed, and other effects have been provided.
  • The Cattle Prod and Compliance Regulator deal shock damage and a short paralysis effect.
  • The Flashbang's effects are detailed in the Throwables section above.
  • The Boxing Tape is mostly the same, sans fatigue effects, but the Boxing Gloves have a substantially higher damage than before, as well as much better crit. stats and bonus head damage.
    Boxing Gloves legitimately facilitate much more lethal and dangerous punches - look up the increase in fatality rate in boxing once gloves were introduced, if you're not already familiar.
  • Vendors will stock more ammo in general.
  • Vendors will stock more special ammo types.
  • Chet will have a bit more of the weak ammo types, and will stock BBs.
  • Shotguns have been generally buffed across the board, with better damage and spread.
  • 20 ga. has been changed to have 12 pellets. This provides a slightly different use case, making it more effective against lightly armored targets and creatures in particular, while 12 ga. is better at punching through moderate armor.
  • The Anti-Material Rifle's damage has been reduced a bit from TTW's boost to 225.
    While this does make sense, I've trimmed it back for the sake of balancing, so that it doesn't eclipse other sniper rifles quite as much.
  • The AMR and 12.7mm Pistols' suppressors have been removed.
    Atrocious for balance.
  • The flare gun no longer sets targets on fire. It now deals a huge amount of direct and over-time limb damage. This makes it less annoying to deal with when enemies have it, it provides a use for flamer fuel in the early game, an early-game projectile weapon for Explosives characters, and it turns off it's previous "tag an enemy and switch off to another weapon while they burn" use, which wasn't particularly engaging or interesting in my opinion.
  • Some weapon sounds have been adjusted. For example, the Time Bomb actually makes a "tick" sound while it's counting down, rather than a mine beep, and the .45 Auto Pistol uses 10mm sounds, rather than 9mm ones.
  • When entering The Pitt, Wernher will provide you a Silenced .22 or a Trench Knife, so that you get something actually useful, rather than garbage that you'll immediately ditch for better weapons once you get into the Steelyard.
  • The amount of ammo provided with the Metal Blaster and the Perforator have been halved.
  • The Arc Welder and Tesla Cannons now arc between targets.
  • If using Rockbiter's Throwing Spear animations, there will be a moderate increase to throwing speed while in first person.
  • The Stewie Tweaks to allow cookable grenades and disable the reduced crit. rate for automatic weapons have automatically been turned on.
  • The night vision mod for the Hunting Revolver has been removed, as it feels like an arbitrary mod addition made by the TTW team that I don't particularly find appropriate or interesting.
  • The scope has been removed from the standard .44, and the heavy frame has been removed from the scoped version, to give each more identity and make the Big Gun change to the scoped version a little less dissonant.
  • The combat shotgun reflex sight has been removed, as reflex sights don't feel appropriate for Fallout to me.
  • A minor base game bug where the player could receive nothing from gift givers has been fixed.
  • When used with New Blood, an indicator of weapons which always perform severe bleeding has been added to the Pip-Boy.
  • Chinese weapons have been removed from the Grunt weapon list, to give them more identity and mitigate Grunt's coverage of such a dramatically high amount of weapons in the game.
Balance notes and feedback:
In terms of inter-caliber balance relation, I consider the differences in economy relation between various ammo calibers/types to be very consequential.
A few examples:10mm pistols are very commonplace in early DC, but their lower clip capacity and ammo availability than 9mm gives them a different role.
The AMR's damage is much higher than the Sniper RIfle, but the cost and availability of it's.50 MG is an important factor in choosing between them.
9mm weapons offer a substantially higher damage than .32 pistols, but you can find a lot of .32 in loot, which allows you to fire quickly with less concern for efficient ammo use.
As of the initial Nexus release of this file, the majority of the rebalancing has been based my previous experience with the game and comparison of weapon values in FNVEdit. I'm engaging in a playthrough with these changes imminently, and there will be adjustments made as I progress.
When presenting feedback, as stated below,
do take feedback regarding balance and the intricacy of player choice into consideration.
do not take feedback regarding taste into serious consideration. Saying that you don't like that I made a certain weapon weaker, altered it's functionality, or changed the timing/placement of it's integration doesn't really matter to me.
Ensure that you have read the whole page here, including all of the sections of the Core Design Philosophy section, before providing any balance feedback - I will ignore feedback about tenets addressed here that were not read.

Feedback types of particular value:
If you come across weapon placements that make later tier weapons available much earlier than they should be, I would be interested in hearing about it. Specific details will help me locate the situation.
If you come across disparities of non-unique weapon stats in weapons of the same caliber that feel as though one invalidates the other, please use ensure that you review all of their stats via the stat readout that I implemented.
If you find weapons near ammo that no longer makes sense for them due to a rechambering, please provide a screenshot of the location with the weapon or ammo clicked on, so that I can see the placement's formID in the screenshot and go in and switch out the ammo placement to the appropriate one.

All of the balancing decisions made here have been made with the intention of only using vanilla weapons, and no mod-added weapons whatsoever. Balance considerations in relation to mod-added weapons are totally irrelevant to the nature of this version of SWEEP.

kNVSE animations that don't abide vanilla animation timings may result in balance quirks when playing in first person. I plan to potentially create a config option that alters first person firing, reload and draw speeds for Rockbiter's Clean Animations (supplemented by a few other authors' animations where needed) to assist in evening these facets out, as those are my preferred animation sets. Please note which kNVSE animations you use (if any) when providing feedback about the timing of these animation speeds in relation to other weapons.

The only available customization are the radius and max chain values for the tesla cannon chaining in MigTeslaChain.ini. However, all weapon stat changes and reintegrations are performed via hard edit, allowing for easy modification, overwriting, and patching.

JIP LN, xNVSE, Johnny, ShowOff, the usual stuff.
Base Object Swapper is an optional requirement that will improve the cohesion of the switch of Fire Bombs to Molotov Cocktails.

Use of SPARE has become very important, as the pricing and tiering of 10mm, 45 Auto, and 5.56mm have been made there to match the changes to power here.

Install this file.
If you aren't using the Big Guns Reversion patch, turn bEnableBigGunsSkill to 1 in the JIP ini.
The JIP uNPCPerks setting must be set to 1 specifically. This is important for various balancing aspects, most importantly the DT penetration change of energy weapons. Problems can arise when this setting is set to 2, and I recommend that it always be set to 1 and never 2.
Mid-game installation is fine, though you may experience some quirks, like being able to acquire second copies of GRA uniques, or being further along in weapon progression and having things revert to an earlier state of progression, like the Gun Runners' stock reverting to lower tier stock after it resets.

If using STARS or AGE, grab the patches available for them. If you use the Big Guns Reversion patch, use the No Big Guns version of the AGE patch if you use AGE.

Recommended Mods:
This is a part of my "Core" series, which are all designed to work in tandem and balanced for each other:
Sweet Consumables
Aid Addon
New Blood
While these mods will work without each other, the use of all of them provides the intended experience.

This mod is specifically balanced for use with New BloodSTARSSweet ConsumablesS6S Perks, SSS and Aid Addon.
This mod (and shotgun value changes in particular) may feel unbalanced with other damage mods, such as BLEED or BLEEDLESS. I do not recommend using them with my mods, as I feel their body part damage multiplier and explosion damage changes are overzealous and poorly balanced.
This mod (and shotgun value changes in particular once again), may feel too strong without a mod which overhauls and improves armor DT/DR/resistances like STARS.

I consider Weapon Requirements System an absolute necessity for balance.
IMPACT Compatibility Edition
Mojave Raiders (No patch needed, just ensure that Vanilla SWEEP loads later than both MR plugins.)
True Condition
Detonator Overhaul
Basic Retrievable Throwables

Sweet Mod Interactions:
Completely/functionally included mods:
LR Grenade Rifles Relocated
TTW 5.56 Hunting Rifle
Bozar Rework
Shotgun Buffs
More Throwing Weapons
More Shovels
Semi-Auto Nail Gun
Scatter Energy Weapons Rework
Varmint Rifle .22 Setter
Nevada Arsenal
Sweet Big Guns Implementation
DC Arsenal
Reliable Mesmetron Hostility

My mods which should not be used with this mod:
Crossbow Overhaul
AWO Trench Repeater Low Level Rebalance
Blue Rose CFWR 14mm
FN2000 CFWR 4.7mm
Forgotten Millenia Sweet Patch
CFWR TTW Hand Placements
DKS Magnetic Action
The Skorpion
Think Tank Sonic Armaments
Webley Revolver Redux
Forward Scout Reimagined
Beowulf Rifle
Mr Fix-It
Game Rifle
Uranium Fever
Automatic Rocket Launcher
Fafnir Unique Overhaul Lite
.32 Caliber Weapons Pack
Halo M6G Rework
Uzi Clipping Fix
Atomic Weapons
Classic Gauss Minigun CFWR Edition
CFWR 4.7mm Nexus Weapon Extension
Double Rifle
CFWR Gauss 2mm Base Game Extender
Gauss Cannon
Cyberdog Blaster Alt Plugin
AK-50 Handmade AMR Redux
Compact Miniguns
Plasma Discharger Redux
Designated Marksman Rifle

Recommended optional companion mods outside of the Core series:
Detonator Quickswitch
Service Rifle Burst Toggle
Retrievable Railway Spikes
R91 and Friends Infiltrator Scope via Mod
Basic Retrievable Throwables
Missile Launcher Scope

Load Order:
Sweet LO
Any of my files not listed here don't have any load order considerations in relation to my other mods.
The listed mods which aren't by me are ones I almost always have active and need specific LO considerations; if you don't have them, that's fine.
There is a patch for the couple of minor conflicts with STARS, courtesy of Patchier.

My (or other authors') standalone weapon mods/plugins will probably not conflict with this, but their balancing will very likely be asynchronous with these changes. They will not be patched for this, and will be included in the full version of SWEEP. Once again, this version of SWEEP is balanced and designed with the intention of use with only vanilla weapons, and any circumstance regarding mod-added weapons is not part of any consideration for this mod.

Other mods which alter weapon info or visuals via esp hard edit will not be compatible without a manual patch. This is intended as a cohesive balancing for all weapons, and my concerns regarding compatibility with mods that are not part of this package are very limited.
Compatible with Real Weapon Mods 2 Rebalanced.
Users of Wasteland Starting Gear DC should use the provided patch.

Recharger weapons can't be distributed to my satisfaction, as NPCs use reloading animations and don't abide the appropriate recharge time. As such, they are not distributed, and have also been marked as player-only.
The bottlecap mine schematic rewarded by the Wasteland Survival Guide still has a message showing that it was added. I don't want to bother editing that quest just to stop that addition or hide the message.
Vanilla uses dummy object effects to convey an increase in limb damage or crit. chance/damage via text. I didn't bother to do so with all the weapons that I altered those stats on, because it's tedious, and the stat readout I implemented will provide perfect clarity on those stats.
Something about the change from hitscan to real projectiles makes them not splash in water anymore. It seems to be an engine thing, and I consider the change to real projectiles to be more important, so I'm not going to revert it.

Please post bugs in the bugs tab, not the posts. I get a notification when bugs are posted, but I have too many mods to keep up on the posts on all of them routinely.

Under The Hood:
The improved/fancy/complicated visuals for things like the Toxic Grenade, Nuka Cocktail, Molotov, and Incendiary Grenade are accomplished by placing multiple explosions at once with an event handler. Feel free to use my implementation of such as a template if you'd like to do something similar.
The flare gun explosion mesh has had it's .nif timers extended to make it last longer. It's still not as long as I'd like, but I don't know what each one does, and it's a pain in the ass to modify those values, so I'm done trying to fine tune it.
There's a slight disparity with the overwrite to Chet's inventory with SPARE - however, this is accounted for with facets of SPARE, and as such the disparity is a non-issue.

I don't like ___ change!
I do take feedback regarding balance and the intricacy of player choice into consideration.
I do not take feedback regarding taste into serious consideration. Saying that you don't like that I made a certain weapon weaker, altered it's functionality, or changed the timing/placement of it's integration doesn't really matter to me.
Big Guns is dumb/doesn't make sense/is annoying/is deprecated/Strength reqs. functionally accomplish gating of bigger weapons!
See the above statement.
Later tier weapons should be a complete upgrade to earlier ones!
Read the Core Design Philosophy section at the top of the page. If you disagree with the notions posited there, then this mod probably isn't for you.
Scripted version would be better for compatibility/convenience.
A project of this nature isn't suited to a scripted implementation. It hinders straightforward assessment and tuning of balance. I will not be making any kind of scripted version.
This description is a novel and I don't want to read it!
I don't care. I'm not rehashing my design philosophy or the reasons for my changes in the posts section. Posts that are made by people who clearly didn't read the description will be moved to a generic "bug" post to clear chaff out of the posts section, and they will be ignored.
Why is there a patch to excise Big Guns from the mod, instead of one to add it?
As stated above, I consider Big Guns to be a valuable facet of build diversity. Since I always have Big Guns reimplemented, I don't want to have to have a second plugin in my build to reimplement it. Simple as that.
Ghost says she doesn't have a reward for you.
I think her dialog line is vague enough that having her give you the NCR grenade rifle is reasonable. It's also a good time in the game for you to get that weapon as a reward as well.
LOL the acronym should be SWEP for this version

Patchier helped transcribe the values from Simple Reach onto the plugin records. Thanks, buddy!
A selection of placements for GRA weapons were used from Rewarding Exploring Improved and Rewarding Exploring (original) by Panzermann11 and phoenix0113, respectively.
Patchier did the STARS patch.
Just Enough Realism prompted me to add a crafting recipe for the machete.
Hitman47101 and Hopper31 for Arcing Arc Welder.
Migck for Tesla Cannon Chaining.

Do whatever.

If you'd like to support my modding work or say thanks, feel free to donate via the Nexus or here at Ko-Fi