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About this mod

This is a weapons pack that expands the usage of .32 caliber in TTW, to make it less of a complete dud ammo type.

Permissions and credits
  • Mandarin
This is a small weapon pack and rebalance featuring excellent models from around the nexus, intended to improve the usefulness of .32 ammo and variety of .32 weapons in TTW.

.32 Revolver (.32 Pistol)
Damage reduced from 14 to 13
Health increased from 125 to 200
Spread reduced from .5 to .1
Long barrel changed to +2 damage
Crit. damage increased to 13
Crit. mult increased from 1 to 3
Quite precise and fairly durable. The long barrel will improve it a touch, and the adjusted crit. values give it extra utility to crit. builds.

.32 Rifle
Extended mag changed to suppressor
Long barrel changed to scope, price increased
Value reduced from 150 to 125
Weight reduced from 6 to 4
Damage reduced from 37 to 16
Spread reduced from .3 to .1
Animation speed increased by 20%
Strength requirement reduced from 4 to 3
Skill requirement reduced from 25 to 20
Crit. damage reduced from 37 to 16
Crit. mult increased from 1 to 1.25
No longer shall putting a small pistol bullet in a rifle practically triple it's damage output. Between the scope, the spread change, the animation speed increase, and the suppressor, this occupies a similar early game rifle role as the varmint rifle has in NV.

Ol' Painless
Health increased from 175 to 250
Weight reduced from 6 to 5
Damage reduced from 40 to 20
Spread reduced from .3 to 0.05
Crit. damage reduced from 40 to 20
Crit. mult increased from 2 to 3
Durable and highly accurate, this rifle is very similar to the .32 revolver, but with a wildly increased range, at the cost of not being able to attach a scope.

Czech Pistol
Lighter, cheaper, less accurate, and less durable than the .32 revolver, this handgun offers a higher clip capacity and crit. damage, with a slightly lower crit. mult. Very common in the early game.

.32 Pistol
Can attach an extended magazine, silencer, and HD slide.
A boost to capacity, durability, and utility over the czech pistol, but it's crit. mult is just 1, which is low for .32 weapons.

.32 Burst Pistol
Can attach a silencer and extended magazine.
With 66% the durability of a .32 pistol and less accuracy, this handgun can be a substantial increase in DPS at shorter ranges, at the cost of less control of ammo use.

Prototype Burst Pistol
Found in the National Archive Strongroom near some safes, behind a locked gate.
Highly durable with a 3x crit. mult, but with a substantial spread increase. Very powerful at medium ranges, especially with spread reducing perks.

Chinese Submachine Gun
Can attach a drum mag, increasing it's capacity from 16 to 51.
A slight damage downgrade from the .32 pistol, with a notable spread of .5, this SMG can burn through the plentiful .32 ammo quickly, but it's limited base clip size may feel constricting. It's crit. damage is only 13, but it has an alright crit. mult of 2x.

.32 Machine Pistol
Nearly 3x as durable as the chinese SMG and possessing a 2 point damage boost and a 4 round clip size bonus, the machine pistol has an increased fire rate that will burn through your ammo very quickly. It's extended mag is a much smaller increase, but it can be silenced. Largely an upgrade to the chinese equivalent, though players who enjoy burning lots of ammo may prefer to stick with the easier to repair chinese SMG.

.32 Submachine Gun
This uses the Sten model. It has a custom kNVSE set that's great, but it does look quite bad when the vanilla reload is viewed from third person. As such, it has both a regular integration, as well as a setting to make it basically unique, placing it in an early area of the Museum of History Offices, to push it's usage toward mostly 1st person player usage. The world integration and custom placement can both be disabled for those that use 3rd person regularly or really care about giving weapons to companions.
With a lower health and value than the .32 machine pistol, this weapon is harder to maintain, but it's clip capacity is 32 by default, and it has the lowest spread of all 
burst/auto .32 weapons. It fires slowly to compliment it's great spread, to allow you to use controlled bursts for efficient ammo usage.

  • Scripted wasteland integration for compatibility.
  • SpamPTRS' hunting rifle replacer's textures and environment mapping have been tweaked to abide the .32 rifle's aesthetic a little better.
  • .32 ammo has been made dramatically more common, to make it an appealing caliber to give to companions who don't have infinite ammo, and it's an excellent option to dispatch weaker creatures without burning good ammo. Crit. builds will usually do especially well and allow the weapons to punch over their weight a bit.
  • The included weapons are: Millenia's Beretta 92FS and Sten, SpamPTRS' Better Hunting Rifle, NickHeggo's Beretta 93r, kouoaeha's Vz61 Scorpion, and Millenia's Uzi, via kNVSE - WOTNM IMI Uzi.
  • The weapons use base game weapon mods, no new ones are added.
  • All weapons have kNVSE animations.

You can disable any weapon's integration in the included config ini.

JIP LN, xNVSE, Johnny, and kNVSE are required.
ISControl Enabler is required. Iscontroller may work, but I don't consider it supported, as I've found it to crash more often. 
Vz61 Scorpion is required. Ensure that this mod is loaded later, or overwrites the Scorpion's files.
kNVSE - WOTNM IMI Uzi is required. Ensure that this mod is loaded later, or overwrites the original mod's files.
kNVSE is required.
The rest of the assets are included.

Regular installation. Make sure Vz61 is installed for the textures, and the kNVSE WOTNM IMI Uzi file for the animations and model upgrade for the uzi.
Make sure to disable the Scorpion's esp!
For custom animations on the Skorpion in this pack, download The Skorpion, and follow it's installation instructions on that page for use with this pack.

TTW 3.3+ Compatible

Place this lower than any other mod which affects the .32 weapons' stats, including EDGE and it's master patch.

Internally patched for S6S Perks and DMT.
The 93r's magazine doesn't show it's bullet during Inspect, and I don't know why. It's there like it should be in the nif.

NV Version?
These weapons already have NV versions, and I have no interest in implementing .32 in standalone NV.
These aren't realistic weapons for this caliber!
I know. .32 was a stupid choice to include originally, I'm just trying to make it less of a dud thread in the ammo system.

Beretta 92 FS by Millenia
Beretta 93R Raffica by Nickheggo (included with permission)
Better Hunting Rifle by SpamPTRS (included with permission)
Hit 9mm Pistol animations by Hitman47101
CZ52 by MTindle and Naky (included with permission)
ZR9Z created the skorpion icon based off ItsMeJesusHChrist's CPI resources.
Sten by Millenia, altered meshes by RNC and Januusz
Animations by RNC and Januusz, Rockbiter

Feel free to use my work here, but make sure you get permission from Nickheggo or SpamPTRS for their assets.

If you'd like to support my modding work or say thanks, feel free to donate via the Nexus or here at Ko-Fi.